My name is Cody, and I'm a Chocolate Labrador Retriever. I came to live with my new family on June 2, 1999, and for five years, I've been telling you how it is to grow up.
Click on my picture or the text link, and it will take you to the list I'm keeping of things I've done so far in my life.
I have grown up alot since I first came to my new home, and I've had some funny and some not so funny updates for you here.
I tell you about the good stuff I do, and of course, I have to tell you about the stuff I do that's not so good too.
The list starts with when I first arrived with my new family, and the last entries on my list are the newest things I have to tell you about...
This is a picture of me wearing my mom's new hat...
The List of My Life Stories