Gallery of Fine Art
A Scholarly Study of Naked Women with Fine Breasts
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Updated on 1/9/00 - New text added, other text updated, back/fwd buttons updated. Updated on 12/26/99 - New drawings added, and old ones reordered.

Here are some old original drawings of mine, in pencil on paper. They are all drawings of naked or partially naked young women. This is all I have ever drawn since I was young. This is all I know how to draw. It is all I am interested in drawing. But I think they are mostly quite mild and innocent in tone.

The only thing is, well, many of them have large breasts. Well, in some cases, quite large breasts. Yes, I love large breasts. Yes, I was breast-fed as a baby, and perhaps I was never really weaned properly. But I have always only tried to capture the natural softness of a woman's breasts and more generally, the soft beauty of the female form, albeit often in the context of unusually voluptuous figures. I think and hope everyone should be able to appreciate this sort of beauty.

So, many of them are essentially studies of soft, full bosoms, showing them hanging, or being pressed or squeezed in some way, to help convey their softness. When I can focus beyond the breasts for a moment, the emphasis is on the softness and classical femininity of the female body: soft, full cheeks, lips, stomach, derriere, as well as I can represent them.

For the most part, I would consider these to be studies and works in progress, rather than finished works of art. As such they may change or improve over time.

I will be adding more as time goes on, and I will be adding personal data about the young ladies, and their daily lives, to help bring their beauty to life, however I can.

You may click on the thumbnail to see a larger image, and in some cases, descriptive text.


Many of the figures are wearing scanty clothing, but usually only to the extent that it makes for a sexier presentation. Most of the additional garments are flimsy items of lingerie. In many cases, the lines of a bra or panty can add 3D cues to show fullness, or can press into the flesh to show softness. In a few cases, especially where legs are spread and the private parts may be exposed, I added some flimsy panties in order to protect the privacy of those parts and to maintain sort of an R-rating.

I tried never to cover up her nipples, so they are almost always visible through sheer tops or bras, or otherwise poking through revealing garments. A woman's nipples are just too lovely and too necessary, artistically, in my opinion, to cover up.

For 10B, I added the skimpy, pulled-up tank top in the drawing. In the original drawing 10, the young woman had been topless, bosoms hanging freely. For 11, after scanning, I edited out a tiny, dark spot which was due to a flaw in the paper of the original.

These images are smaller than the original scanned-in image, partly to reduce the loading time.If you want to see more or bigger scans, email me at

So why not just look for photos of large-breasted women on the Web? Well, that sounds good in principle, but I have looked at quite a few sites over a long time, and in my experience there are very few sources of images which consistantly show women with large, naked breasts that are not fakes or implants, unless the women are very fat, or very ugly, or engaged in some ugly activity, or some combination of these. It becomes too depressing. So I believe my drawings are much more pleasant in this regard. I have only investigated the free sites.

One of the very few exceptions that I know of, and one of my favorite sites, is Tokyo Topless. This is one of the best sites on the Web that I know of, for many photos of naked women with large breasts which usually appear to be real. There are some beautiful bosoms here. Too bad there are not more sites like this one. If I find more, I will list them as well. If you know of any, please email me.

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Hits since December 26, 1999
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