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Mizuno Ami
Birthday: September 10
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Blood Type: A
Ami's intellect is her greatest asset. Sailor Mercury  is considered to be the weakest of the inner senshi, and often back Usagi up when someone insults her. Sailor Mercury was the first Senshi found after Serena (Usagi).

Mercury power, make up.
           Ami says this to transform into Sailor Mercury
Mercury star power, make up.
          Ami says this to transform into Sailor Mercury in Sailor Moon R
Mercury crystal power, make up.
          Ami says this to transform into Super Sailor Mercury in Sailor Moon Super S.
Shabon spray.
          This is Sailor Mercury's attack
Shabon spray freezing.
           This is Sailor Mercury's powered attack in Sailor Moon R
Shine aqua illusion.
           This is Sailor Mercury's new attack in Sailor Moon R.
Double shabon spray freezing.
           This is the same as Shabon spray freezing, only it repeats itself twice.
Mercury aqua rhapsody.
          This is Super Sailor Mercury's attack in Sailor Moon Super S.