there is a me that only i see... you see what i let you see... woman of mysteries

hint of amber, touch of brown, hidden in a sea of red... eyes of green, jealous of all
that the world holds

autumn is i... i whom you do not see... i can be felt without even a touch [but not
be touched]... i can be seen by only the [sharpest, keenest, wisest] of eyes                                                                                                                                                                                             
come... smell my fragrant wonders that are hidden in places that cannot be seen

soul of mysteries [so filled with pain]... faceted like the diamond with a depth
beyond anything imaginable

come... come into my realm and reign with me... centuries old am i, yet ageless
to the eye

dare not to know me, only i see that that i am... you see what i let you see

forever... endless... loving you... with a love that will never die

you may think that you see me in another.... you are decieved

deep in my eyes is where i be; you will lose yourself there... maybe find me...
still not i... but what i let you see

...for those who know me