Teacher's Rights Section of the MCC Faculty
Describing teachers' classroom freedoms, authority, and behavior.
The College's 1993 policy re: sex harassment
and offensive speech
Warning to general faculty from administration regarding classroom
Journalism class "news sheet" story on Bonnell-
May 1996
preceded President Lorenzo's statement to assembled faculty,
" There is no place for perverts on this campus".
"Semester Overview" Bonnell's First day class
Letter from former student discussing Bonnell's class
Parent's complaint of "Semester
Overview", 1-19-98
Reaction to depiction of classroom speech as described in letter above.
Human Resource's MacQueen to Bonnell re:
parental complaint, 2-19-1998
Bonnell is summoned to a disciplinary meeting re: parental complaint.
Bonnell's response to MacQueen's summons,
Bonnell questions procedure and complaint basis.
MacQueen clarifies basis of investigation,2-24-1998
MacQueen reiterates meeting's verbal warning,
and states that use of language outside of "appropriate textual materials"
may be sexual harassment.
Bonnell responds to MacQueen's warning, 3-9-1998
denies sexual harassment and discontinues use of "first day" handout.
Student's complaint of Sexual Harassment, 11-
6 -1998
The letter that intensified the controversy.
"Yes, Virginia, There is a Sanity
A satirical essay by Bonnell defending free speech in the classroom
while lampooning the College's foray into censorship,
Dean Demas' Memo to Professor Bonnell, 1-5-1999
A list of "findings" culminating in Bonnell's suspension for
three days.
Bonnell's response to Demas Memo
MacQueen directs Bonnell to not discuss,
post or distribute any statements to students regarding complaints
or disciplinary against Bonnell.
MCCFO'S Attorney's letter to MCCFO, 2-3-99.
A description of the issues of academic freedom, free speech and employer's
MCCFO's letter to Bonnell and Bonnell's Reply,
The faculty union lays out its version of the facts and refuses to
pursue Bonnell's grievance: Bonnell objects.
MCCFO's Letter to the Faculty, 3-2-1999
Objecting to the distribution of materials, including the above exchange.
MCCFO's Letter to the Faculty March, 3-31-1999
Informing the faculty of Bonnell's law suit and the union's position
regarding it.
Union president insists that the Union has given "fair representation"
to Bonnell.
Bonnell Sues, 3-99
The deposition to Judge Borman's District Court.
MCCFO's Letter to Membership, 5-10-1999
Faculty union's view of court proceedings and Bonnell's options.
Students' account of Bonnell's behavior regarding disruption of their education, 5-1999
MCC Provost's Memo of Disciplinary Suspension,
The college's list of findings culminating in Bonnell's suspension
for a semester without pay.
Bonnell's Attorneys' Respond to the Provost.
Attorney's attempt to refute the Provost's findings.
Borman's decision for Bonnell, 8-27-99
Federal judge halts suspension of Bonnell.
text of Cincinnati Court of Appeal's Opinion against Bonnell, 3-1-2001
Court overrules Borman, returning Bonnell's fate to the College and
his Union.
Bonnell Petitions for en banc (full court) rehearing,
Despite having a request for more time to respond denied, Bonnell's
attorneys meet the deadline.
The College's response to Bonnell's rehearing
request, 4-01
The college attempts to rebut all of Bonnell's arguments.
Bonnell's account of MCCFO meeting denying
support for his grievance, 5-11-01
Bonnell futilely asks that the Union consider that the punishment of
a full semester suspension without pay is too severe for alleged
breach of confidentiality and retaliation.
Official Notification of Suspension
for Fall 2001 Semester plus 2 weeks.
A memo from Provost Bellanca to Bonnell.
Commentary and Opinion
(will be posted as received.)
Prof. Bonnell in class. (photo courtesy of Macomb
Former student's critique of Bonnell's class.
"a safe place to discuss to breath"
"Student Voice" article re: investigation
May 1998.
Bonnell is unnamed in journalism class project.
Debra Duffy: "My daughter will be attending this college
in the Fall and I know who each of you are and I voted for most of you
and I'm trusting you, I'm counting on you, to hear my voice, my voice and
the voice of all the people who spoke at the last meeting. "
Jeff LaButte:"... I found him to be one of the most
dynamic, thought-provoking teachers that I ever had and probably ever will
Michele Kazyak:"...I am a certified religious education
instructor for the Roman Catholic Church, and I do not find Professor Bonnell
to be offensive. What I do find to be offensive are the actions of the
administration at Macomb Community College. "
Students Protest Suspension by Calling for
Action, 2-10-1999
"adult language in front of adult students"
MCC Board of Trustees call for Student Free
oppose discipline on any student exercising free speech
Dean of Students threatens disciplinary action
against a demonstrating student
for depriving "others of an orderly atmosphere for study."
WDIV-TV's Alan Frank's Editorials
MetroTimes Article March 10-16, 1999
"He totally opened the doorway to the critical analysis of Iiterature,"
says Michele
Kazyak, a former student of Bonnell's. "Unfortunately for the administration
Macomb Community College, literature is rife with sexual and adult
Apparently, they have a problem with that."
Frank DeFrank Editorial in the Macomb Daily,
"...a college campus should shine as a beacon of free thinking and
speech. But at MCC, the beacon is extinguished."
MCC Prof. Ralph L. Schmitt's reaction
to DeFrank, 3-21-1999
"Is he aware that his edict for "all of us" to be outraged, because
of Bonnell's
"unfair" treatment, is itself an outrage to all who want to live, work,
play and,
yes, learn in an environment conducive to those pursuits? "
Former Student Jim Pruss' letter to President Lorenzo, 8-20-1999
President Lorenzo's Response
"...State and Federal laws and recent Supreme Court decisions have
set new requirements for educational institutions and the type of environment
that students have the right to expect when on campus. The College
must keep pace with these changes or risk legal liability.... "
Heather Rohlfing's letter to The Macomb Daily.
- 1999
"I am a twenty-three year old practicing Catholic female engineering
student, who attended Catholic school for twelve years..... The best teachers
are the ones who relate to the students and make them think for themselves.
Professor Bonnell is that kind of teacher."
MCC Trustee's Ad in the Macomb Daily, 7-22-1999
"The College does not believe that the classroom setting is the appropriate
to discuss personal sexual practices, techniques, experiences, or fantasies
germane to course content."
Nancy Bonnell's Reaction to Ad
"....the Open Letter is a list of lies and distortions. This is why
the College paid $1400.00 to run the "ad." Their method eliminates the
possibility of a competent reporter, one who has actually read and comprehends
the district court ruling, from exposing their deceit. "
MetroTimes Article, September 1, 1999 (after
Judges Borman's ruling)
"(Bonnell) says, 'A lot of people ask me, 'Are you going to be careful
about what you say?'... I will not willingly give aid and comfort to those
who favor censorship and oppression.... I will do everything I can to resist
that.' "
MCC Prof. David Barr's letter to MCCFO,9-30-1999
"Are we now catering to the repressive, anti-enlightenment, anti-intellectual,
anti-educational forces of our time? Historically it has been academia
that has led the fight against such blind and narrow cruelty."
brief in Bonnell case with Sixth Circuit Court
"The teaching of college English requires the communication of thoughts
and ideas by reading and writing, and the use of the entire English language.
When a college gags the professor or censors the students, the free expression
of ideas and thoughts as supported by the First Amendment is impinged upon."
R. Scmitt-Bonnell et al in MCCFO Meeting,
Bonnell, having been elected to the union's board, expresses opinions
re: handling of grievances. Others object. .
Legal Cost to MCCFO to defend against Bonnell-4-
$55,391. (Excerpt from union's treasurer's report)
Harvey Slivergate's
Memo to Free Speech Advocates
of Wisconsin-Madison
The bottom-line question is: Are the faculty and students ....capable
of living with the Bill of Rights? One hopes the answer
is yes.
Deming of the University of Oklahoma- 1-25-2001
Professor relates his experience with "free speech" and "sexual harassment"
Daily Bonnell article, 2-11-2001
The college claims these punishments are not about free speech, but
involve academic disruption, retaliation against a student in a harassment
case and breaching the student's confidentiality.
Chronicle of Higher Ed. article,3-5-2001
"This case was very important to the college because the lower court
ruling undermined our ability to provide and protect a nonhostile academic
setting in which free expression and the exchange of ideas thrives for
both students and faculty," said Rose B. Bellanca, provost of Macomb Community
Student Christine Christel's letter to Bonnell,3-5-2001
"I hope that you know that I am very proud to be a student of yours
and consider myself so very lucky to have crossed paths with you."
Student M. Komendera's letter to the editor,3-16-2001
"He's a dedicated, passionate teacher with a dramatic flare
and one of the most gentle persons I've ever had the good fortune
to know."
Daily's April 9, 2001 article update
Appeals court ponders rehearing.
Letter from Wendy Wojtas- 5-7-01
"I have been so inspired by your teachings that I have changed my major
to English Literature and hope to teach one day. I would love to teach
in the same manner you do, but how effective will this be coming from a
woman? Or will teaching such as yours be silenced? Being a middle- aged
student I am quite impressed by the life lessons you are attempting to
give students, both young and
old alike."
Bonnell's Reply to Farhat's Letter
"In effect, he is correct again. MCC tweaked the usual mendacity
by absurdly claiming that I "retaliated" against the woman who wanted me
censored; and that, without ever identifying her, I violated some supposed
"right to confidentiality." "
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April 17, 1999