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— | 1999 | Montgomery College (MC), Rockville, MD | Microcomputer Technology |
Ph.D. | 1991 | University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) | History |
M.A. | 1980 | The Catholic University of America (CUA), Washington, DC | History |
B.A. | 1974 | The Catholic University of America (CUA), Washington, DC | Anthropology |
H.S. | 1969 | Calvin Coolidge High School, Washington, DC | H.S. Diploma |
2001-2006 | Instructional Assistant | Montgomery College | Takoma Park, MD |
2004 | Sabbatical Leave | Microcomputer Technology | Germantown, MD |
2003 | Research Assistant | University of California: SCSC Program | Davis, CA |
2001-2006 | Web Designer | PetrusCamper.com Mark Meijer, M.D. Henry Cao, B.S. Roberto Carvalho http://danco.info/ diabetesbook.info Yu Ling Han, Ph.D. |
Takoma Park, MD |
2000-2001 | Web Content Editor Copywriter |
Insuractive.com | Alexandria, VA |
1999-2000 | Instructional Assistant | Montgomery
College Instructional Computing Center |
Takoma Park, MD |
1999 | Computer Internship | Fusion Lighting, Inc. | Rockville, MD |
1997-1998 | Receptionist/Archivist | Washington Ethical Society (WES) | Washington, DC |
1992 | Administrative Consultant | Museum Education Roundtable | Washington, DC |
1992 | Volunteer | National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution | Washington, DC |
1990-1992 | Receptionist/Data Entry | Washington Ethical Society (WES) | Washington, DC |
1983-1984 | Dr. Eric Monkkonen's Research Assistant | UCLA History Department | Los Angeles, CA |
1982-1983 | Dr. Hans Rogger's Research Assistant | UCLA History Dept. Chair | Los Angeles, CA |
1981-1982 | Work-Study Assistant | UCLA Museum of Cultural History | Los Angeles, CA |
1980-1981 | Library Clerk | UCLA College Library | Los Angeles, CA |
1980 | Reading Room/Deck Attendant | Library of Congress | Washington, DC |
1979 | Secretary/Typist | Jewish War Veterans, Ladies Auxiliary | Washington, DC |
1975-1976 | Library Assistant | American College in Paris | Paris, France |
1974-1975 | Office Clerk | College of Business and Management, University of Maryland (UMCP) | College Park, MD |
1999-2000 | Adjunct Professor | Montgomery
College (MC) Computer Science Takoma Park, MD |
1993-1996 | Assistant Professor | University of
Central Arkansas (UCA) Department of History Conway, AR |
1992-1993 | Adjunct Professor | George Washington
University (GWU) Department of History Washington, DC |
1984-1985 | Teaching Associate | University of
California (UCLA) Department of History Los Angeles, CA |
1983-1984 | Teaching Assistant | University of
California (UCLA) Department of History Los Angeles, CA |
1979-1980 | Teaching Assistant | Catholic University
of America (CUA) Department of History Washington, DC |
"Computer Concepts" | (MC) Montgomery College | |
"World History I" | (UCA) University of Central Arkansas | |
(GWU) George Washington University | ||
"World History II" | (UCA) University of Central Arkansas | |
(GWU) George Washington University | ||
"Absolutism, Enlightenment, and Revolution" | (UCA) University of Central Arkansas | |
"European Social and Intellectual History, 1500-1830" | (UCA) University of Central Arkansas | |
"Concepts of the Non-Europeans in Early Modern Europe" | (UCA) University of Central Arkansas |
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2001-2003 | St. Louis Ethical Society Stuckenberg Grant | Washington, DC | ![]() |
Summer 1995 | UCA Summer Research Stipend | Washington, DC | |
Summer 1994 | UCA Summer Research Stipend | Washington, DC | |
Spring 1987 | Institut Europäische Geschichte | Mainz, Germany | |
1985-1986 | Fulbright Scholar | The Netherlands | |
Summer 1983 | German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) | Munich, Germany |
American Historical Association |
1976-1977 | Volunteer Translator, Musée de l'homme | Paris, France | ![]() |
Summer 1973 | Tel Gezer Excavations | Tel Gezer, Israel | |
Summer 1972 | Operation Crossroads Africa | Togo, West Africa |
phone: 501-450-5621 email: Donj@mail.uca.edu |
phone: 310-825-1278 email: Reill@humnet.ucla.edu |
[ CV in MS Word XP 2002 ] [ CV in plain/simple text ] [ CV in PDF ] |