I lay in my bed so late at night
Tossing , turning and dreaming
Wishing you were in my sight..
Dreams are so real they can give
you a scare
They can make you cry and fight
Even laugh harder than you can be
Last night I had a dream, yes its true
It was a dream so real,
So real, because it was of you..
I lay sleeping snuggly in your arms
You were holding me so tight
I feared no harm..
I could feel your warm breath on my face
The gentle caresses of your hand,
Over my body thats covered in lace..
My lips reach up, as we lay there in bliss
Your lips meet mine,
And then we softly kiss..
The warmth of you kiss wakes me with a start.,
It wasn't a dream afterall,
You're here with me, my darling ,my sweetheart
Dreams can feel so real because sometimes
they are
Just like you and I darling...
We have come so far...

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