
Photo Francis Jalain

To write, it is to breathe better, keep breath or catch breath again.
To write, it is to live in altitude as well as to take root deeper.
To celebrate rather than to disparage.
To write, it is to rebel, question, protest.
To write, it is to communicate holding and reserve to the texts.

Poetry quickly imposed itself as the mother tongue anchored in the feeder compost of the ancient strata like immediate events. Pregnancy. Attentive heart and sharpened eye poked by the light but assiduous hand. Neither violenceneither insipidness, neither glare nor hermetism, but search of the right word, for the image which alerts. The poems are born and mature in the vibrating light of the dawn but also in the suffocating heat of the trains or the half-sleep, when the concern of the day rests a little and lets outcrop the essential existence.
To create another world, a one's heart of hearts.

To publish (as well as to make many children!), it is to expose oneself dangerously, but it is most of all to throw a bridge between others and oneself, under the words and by them. Irrepressible need to share the surprises and happinesses of words and images, the singular and plural experiments.

E-MAIL = colette.mazure@skynet.be

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