HasanYahyaBlog, Michigan, USA.
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Who's Dr. Hasan Yahya?

Dr Hasan Yahya is a human being and human rights believer, a professor, a philosopher, a Palestinian by origin, a Jordanian-American by nationality and education, a Kuwaiti by living his early career, a scholar by his thoughts. He is a professor of sociology and an authority on Arab and Muslim cultures.
His life, thoughts and actions were made through instruction, teaching, communicating, negotiating or writing. To know more about Dr. Yahya, this page will guide you to many aspects of dr. Yahya Life and writings on critical ideas and thoughts. He covered a very large subject matter: Arabs, Muslims, Islam, social change, sociology, psychology, history, philosophy, poetry, Arabic Poetry, art of teaching, and Arab-Muslim relations with the western nations and cultures. His research was conducted about human behavior, life satisfaction, and social change in a rapidly changing world, taking into consideration, the advance technology, the global political changes and the position of reducing conflicts among religions, beliefs, education policies, and cultures for the purpose of personal or national development. He is interested mostly in population movement and demography and social behavior after migration from place of origin to a place of destination. His theory of Crescentology-Theory C. is expected to be a new science for sociologists and psychologists to be more involved in personal and social development and the process of conflict management on both macro as well as micro levels. It is a science combines philosophy with sociology, psychology and education in an interdisciplinary major to create new job named socio-therapist. Universities and national institutions should take Crescentology theory rules to create a new world of peace through exchanging true knowledge about each other among individuals (male/female), groups (Small or large), organizations (X, Y, and Z), or nations (underdeveloped, developing, or overdeveloped).
Understanding in his theory is dependent on knowledge, where appreciation follows to lead to a state of compromising and state of conflict free cultures, nations, organizations, groups, and persons. Dr. Yahya believes in human rights, freedom of speech, equality, justice, liberty to pursue happiness. Politically he is liberal (by choice) with conservative beliefs (by force). Dr. Yahya does not believe in magic, or superiority, he believes in the power of human mind and human hearts to come together to close the gap between cultures of the East and the West, religions of the Globe, minority groups' beliefs, and philosophies of the world. Finally;

Dr yahya published 20 books so far, and 120 plus articles on sociology, psychology, measurement, poetry, politics, and short stories.
Anyone is welcome to contact dr. Yahya on his email: askdryahya@yahoo.com to ask any question about life, personal happiness, anger, stress, learning, problem�solving, decision-making, fears and hopes or any other topic. Dr. Yahya will be very pleased to provide the help necessary to those who wants to know . Because Yahya belief is: knowledge is power for the mind to control self, ethically, and spiritually.


Main Page


Prof. Hasan Yahya's Books
Arab & Muslim Ethics-Bilingual Therapy Cases-Arabic 28 Short Arabic Stories-Ar. 55 Stories 4 Kids Arabic Album

Poetry Diwan English Crescentology Theory C.- En. Research Methods Arabic Applied Sociology Arabic The Beast in Me, America - En.
Moon Flowers English Modern Arabic Poetry-h.y Arabic IQ Test Measurement-Ar. Tales from America-Ar. Arab Palestinians & JEWS-English
Personality & Stress Management-En Maqalat Ijtimaiyya -Arabic Crescentology & Human Nature-Ar. Diwan Bahril Amani-Ar. Diwan al-Qadar-Ar


You are guest number


Petition of Ignorance: Banning of Islam

Author: hasan
Dear Respected Readers:

Dear Respected Readers:

Invitation to read, and use FREE articles on your webpage

or to circulate for your friends,  ONLY for the sake of knowledge.
This time I invite you especially those who are affluent

in Arabic or English Languages to read Dr. Yahya's response to a

petition to banning Islam.
The article on response titled:

The Petition of Ignorance�Banning of Islam

may be found on this site:
<A href=�http://www.articlesbase.com/culture-articles/petition-of-ignorance-banning-of-islam-862541.html�>Here !</A>

120 articles may be found on this site too:
<A href=�http://www.articlesbase.com/find-articles.php?q=hasan+yahya&page=16�>Here !

On Amazon For Arabic readers visit hasan yahya on amazon,

to read books in both Arabic and English on this site:
<A href=�http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=hasan+yahya&tag=yahhyd-20&index=aps&hvadid=42979351011&ref=pd_sl_623yzob36u_e�> HERE !
Furthermore, Interested to know who�s Dr. Yahya go to this page for

political articles and biography to this site:
<A href=�http://wfol.tv/index.php?option=com_content&task=category�ionid=8&id=17&Itemid=31�>


Again it�s FREE, all articles may be used on your site.
Other interested concepts covered in Dr. Yahya�s articles are: 

sociology, Islam, Arabs, psychology, politics, poetry, IQ Test Measurements, short stories,

Arabic, English, bilingual, Innovation, Fun, Humor, race relations,

conflict management, and self improvement on relationships through gaming.

Thank you.
Hasan Yahya is an American Arab, Palestinian, Muslim, a professor of sociology,

a columnist at wfol.tv, Malaysia, and his own TINA International News Agency.

Dr. Yahya�s webpage: www.hasanyahya.com
and may be reached on this email: askdryahya@yahoo.com

Best regards,

Article 122
THANK YOU Mr. President
Muslims Appreciate Barack Obama,
Boycotting the UN – Conference on Justice?
A Comment on the News!

Read related article:
A Nation of Cowards
by T. S. Aschenge
Hasan Yahya,Ph.D
Professor of Sociology,
Michigan, USA

