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The New Book by Chris Evans

LIMITED EDITION / 2 vols. in 1

- From Sightings to Silencings

- Fallen Discs to Fallen Angels

Released: May 15, 2003

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Alien Conspiracy: Unraveling the UFO/Alien Mystery, by Chris B. Evans
Limited Researcher's Edition; Alarm Clock Publishing

Abduction (by  aliens), 23-25, 27, 31, 33-36, 39, 83, 87, 123, 128-129, 153,
Abydos, Egypt (discoveries in), 246
Adamski, George, 36
  crash of in Maury Island Incident, 67-68, 70, 72, 75-77
  missing C-46 military transport, 47, 80-81
  pursuing UFOs, 56-58, 116-118
  resembling Stealth Bomber, 47
  shot down by 20 mm cannon, 68
  shot down by UFO, 56-58
Alien (See also: abduction)
  base, 39-40, 107, 109, 140
  cave being, 66
   (See also: Deros)
  craft, (studied by "Dr. Gee"), 83-102
  hybrid, 157, 162, 170-171, 181, 201-203, 209, 230-237, 240, 256, 263, 271
  mutated, 66, 226, 235, 237, 272
     (See also: hybrid)
  race(s), 36, 39, 65, 162, 206, 209
     (See also: Deros, Grays, hybrids, monsters, Mothman, Venusians and Watchers)
  radio (See: Doodlebug)
Allen, Carl (See: Allende, Carlos)
Allende, Carlos, 111-112
Aluminum (metals resembling), 62, 89
Amazing Stories (magazine), 65, 68, 71, 74, 96,107
Anak (descendants of), 232-233
Anakim (See: Anak, descendants of )
  (See also: Annunaki)
Angels (as "Watchers"), 18, 150, 209-276
  as messengers/emissaries, 212, 271
  angelic entities, 177-178, 214, 254
   (See also:Semjase)
  coming on clouds, 268, 232
  depictions of, 267
Annunaki, 207, 231-232
     (See also: Giants, Nephilim/Nefilim and Watchers)
Antarctica (aliens at), 109
  mining of seawater at, 109, 120
Ani Papyrus (Book of the Dead), 259
Antigen, blood (See: blood tests)
Apparitions, 110, 123, 190, 195, 214, 249
APRO Bulletin, 104
Arnold, Kenneth, 17, 46-48, 59-84, 96, 100, 126-127, 132, 134, 144, 152
Arpachshad (teaches writing to Cainan), 265-266
Atom bomb, 34, 113, 130-132, 134, 138, 141, 143-145, 149, 157
Autopsy, alien (film), 23
  (See also: film, camera)
Aviary, 38, 153
  (See also: Doty, Richard)
Azaz'el, 228, 243, 259
  (See also: Semjase)
Aztec, New Mexico (crashed saucer at), 85, 87
Aztecs (writings by), 258
Babylonian, Epic of Creation (See: Epic of Gilgamesh),
Baghdad, Iraq (as location for Sumer), 223
Banister, Guy, 77
Barker, Gray, 26, 64, 104-112
Bases (underground, alien), 39-40, 65, 107, 109, 120, 140
  (See also: Antarctica and Dulce, NM)
Balloon (claimed to be saucer), 44-45, 54, 56, 113, 130-156
Bat Boy, 140
Bats (scare by), 159-160
Bender, Albert, 103-129, 166
Bodies (of aliens), 35, 48, 83-92, 97, 102, 138-140, 147
Books of (See: Ani Papyrus, Apocrypha, Bible, Babylonian, Epic of Gilgamesh,
   1Enoch, Giants, Jubilees, Pseudepigrapha, Egypt, Sumer)
Blood Tests (Andrea Roberts), 187-190
Brazel, Mac, 54, 76, 86, 131-145
Brown, Lt. Frank L., 63-79, 152
Camera, film (See: film)
Canada (Eskimos missing in), 122-123
Cahn, J. P., 95
Cainan (discovers stone carvings), 265-266
Cascade Mountains (sighting over), 47, 60, 80, 132, 144
Cattle (See: mutilations)
Chesapeake, Ohio (daylight sighting near), 52-54
Children (of heaven), 213, 226, 228-230, 237-239, 245, 248, 251-253, 263, 275
CIA (Central intelligence Agency), 77-79, 110-115
Colorado (See: Denver)
Condor (as agent's code name), 38
  (See also: Aviary, Doty, Richard)
Cooper, William M., 20, 28
  alloyed with silver, 54
  as color of UFOs, 54
  plates inscribed of, 266
Corso, Col. Phillip J., 33, 56, 58, 98, 128, 133, 144, 146-147, 153
Cragie, Gen. L. C., 100
Crash recovery (of alien craft), 35, 47, 60, 83, 85-101, 113, 127, 130-132,
Crisman, Fred, 64-85, 96, 107, 152-153
Dahl, Harold, 59, 62-85, 152
Damascus, Syria,
  as region for Mt. Hermon, 266-267,
  letters from synagogues in, 269
Davidson, Lt. William L., 63-79, 152
Dimmick, Roy  L. (UFO recovery witnessed by), 86-87
Dead Sea (Scrolls found near), 216-217, 220
  (See also: Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, 1Enoch, Jubilees)
Denver, Colorado (UFO lecture at), 89, 91
  (as city for "Dr. Gee"), 94
Deros (Shaver's cavern beings), 65, 107
Discs (flying), 34, 71, 80, 113, 151, 209
  (See also: alien craft)
Disney, Walt, 114
  frozen in snow drift, 122-123
  killed by  slag, 62
  as screen memory, 123
Dogon (African tribe), 263-264
Doodlebug (alien radio), 99
Doty, Richard, 153
  (See also: Aviary)
Dulce, NM (base near), 40
  (See also:  bases, underground alien)
Durant, Frederick C., 111-112, 120
Dr. Gee (as Scully's scientific informers), 83-102
Dryer, Gunter, 246
Ea, 224  (See also: Enki)
  banishments from, 259
  earliest cultures of, 261
  excavations in, 246-248, 251
  exodus of Israel from, 247, 258
  Gospel of the Egyptians, 33
  Nag Hammadi Codices in, 33
  writings of, 33, 137, 237, 240
Enki, 259 (See also: Ea)
Enlil, 224,
Elyo (hybrid beings), 18, 231, 234-235, 237, 256
Enoch  (Ethiopian trans. of 1En), 210-271
Epic of Gilgamesh, 262
Eskimos (missing tribe of), 122-123
Extra-uterine Implant Unit, 201, 203
Falcon (code name), 38
  (See also: Doty, Richard)
Fate (magazine), 61, 74
  investigating Scientist-X, 90
  involvement with IFSB, 111
  report on "doodlebug", 99
  in Robertson Panel, 111
  early termination of, 203, 227, 232-235, 243
  moved from one animal to another, 235, 243
  (See also: hybrids)
Film (camera),
  alleged roll with Maury Island UFOs, 66, 79
  home movies of UFOs, 101
  implant removals, 41
  media of MJ-12 documents, 49
  seagulls reviewed by Robertson Panel, 116
  contactees in, 36
  books in, 46
  trends in, 36, 128
Fowler, Raymond, 12, 129, 163
Flatwoods, WV (monster in), 120
Frazier, Felix, 56
Freidman, Stanton, 49, 138
Fund for UFO Research, 49
Gardena, CA (Andrea Roberts in), 158, 165-166
Garrison, Jim (attorney), 77-78
GeBauer, Leo, 91, 93-95, 98, 102
Gee, Dr., 83-102
Genesis (Book of), 212-273
  Book of Giants, 228, 230
  birthing of, 235, 243
  mention of, 18, 213, 228-230, 232-272, 281
Gray (alien race), 36-37, 39, 129, 177-178
Haut, Lt. Walter, 47, 132, 142
Heiland, Dr. Carl, 94
Hellman, David, 101
  (See also: Scully, Nonny)
Hill, Barney and Betty, 12, 89, 172, 199
Howe, Linda, 128, 180
Hynek, J. Allen, 111-112
Hybrid (alien/human), 157, 162, 170-171, 181, 201-203, 209, 230-237, 240,
  256, 263, 271
  human/animal, 235, 243
  children/toddlers, 170-171
  (See also: Elyo, Giants, Nephadim, Naphyl, Nephilim)
Hysteria (caused by UFOs), 34, 57, 81, 160-161
Implants (as alien tracking devices), 41
  (See also: extra-uterine implants)
International Flying Saucer Bureau (IFSB), 103-129
Israel, nation reformed, 33
Jared, 219-223, 226, 229, 231, 248, 255-256, 266
  (See also: Watchers, descending)
Jessup, Dr. Morris K., 17-18, 50, 111
Jesus, 217-218, 232, 249-250, 255, 258, 268-270
Jubilees, (Book of), 216-268
Keel, John, 26, 37, 78, 109, 225, 241
Krill (as diplomatic alien), 20, 115
Naphyl, 234
Norton AFB, 192
Numbers (book of), 232, 256, 258
Leaks (of Gov. info), 41, 43, 45, 92, 121, 126, 142, 147
Lear, John, 115, 125, 128
Lorenzen, Coral and Jim, 104
Los Angeles (flap over), 51
Maccabee, Dr. Bruce, 49
Manhattan Project, 130
  geomagnetic faults/blowouts, 83, 90, 140
  propulsion, 83, 90
  stalling effects on equipment, 83
  devices, 91, 93
Maji (as secret gov. group), 116, 129
Mantell, Thomas, 32, 56-58
Marshall, General, 51
Maury Island, Washington, 24, 59-84, 90, 96, 99, 105, 126-127, 135, 144,
McChord AFB, 68-69
Men In Black (MIB), 51, 63-63, 75-78, 106-113, 121-123
  cultures of, 223, 225, 247
  writings of, 219, 223-225, 237, 241, 251, 259, 279
Mindscan, 178-179 (See also: telepathy)
Miscarriages, 164-165, 190, 197, 200-201
MJ-12, 38, 42, 49-50, 98, 112-116, 128-129
Moore, William (Bill), 38, 49, 138, 153
Morello, Ted, 66-79
Morman (See: Smith, Joseph),
Moroni (plates hidden by prophet), 266
Mothman, 26, 37, 53, 78, 121-122
Mt. Ardis, 226, 229, 268
Mt. Hermon,
  as name for Mt. Ardis, 229
  Jesus' transfiguration on, 268
Mutilations (cattle), 37, 39, 50, 128, 203
Nag Hammadi, Egypt (Codices), 33
National Security Agency (NSA), 32
National Security Council (NSC), 147
Nefilim (See: Nephilim)
Nephadim, 234, 235, 256
Naphyl, 234
Nephilim, 221, 227, 231-233
Newton, Isaac, 29, 30, 161
Newton, Silas, 87-102
  testing, 33-34, 48, 127, 134, 144-148, 150
  materials, 80
O'Brenovic, Michael D.  (See: Williamson, George H.)
Office of Scientific Investigation (OS/I), 110
Operation Fruitcake, 45, 50-51, 59-60, 73, 78, 84, 90, 102, 110, 113, 119, 125, 127
Palmer, Ray, 61-82, 107
Panel, Robertson (See: Robertson Panel)
Paradox, 206, 244-245, 249, 251, 225, 273, 276
Paul (Apostle/Saint), 217-215, 269
Philadelphia Experiment, 112
Point Pleasant, West Virginia, 53, 78, 121-122
Puget Sound, 61, 78
Pregnancy (issues pertaining to), 163, 164, 187, 197-199, 202-203, 208-209, 227, 249
Project Bluebook, 113, 116-119, 135, 152
Project Orbiter Committee, 111
Project Saucer, 50, 71, 88, 100
Pseudepigrapha, 178, 214-265
  (See also: Apocrypha, 1Enoch, Jubilees)
Qumran (See: Dead Sea Scrolls)
Radar (tracking of UFOs), 35, 55-56, 90, 95, 113, 116-119, 133-136, 139-143, 192
Radio, alien (See: doodlebug)
Rankin, Dick, 69, 75-79, 113
Roberts, Andrea (abductee), 157-209
Robertson, Dr. H. P., 112
Robertson Panel, 110-118, 120, 125-128, 140, 205
Roswell Incident, 24, 38, 48-49, 54, 60, 74, 85-86, 98, 100, 113, 126-155
Rumors (See: leaks)
Ruppelt, Capt. Edward J., 117-119
Russell, Roger (sighting by), 52-54
Saltwater  (See: seawater)
Sander, Maj. George, 68-70, 80, 152
Sandler, Allen, (videos by) 147
Sasha (as name of entity), 177, 178
  (See also: Semjase)
Scientist-X (as pseudonym for Silas Newton), 88-91, 147
Scorpion King, 246
Scribal, annotations (mentioning fetal transplants), 227, 229
  Alice, 99, 101
  Frank, 33-35, 50, 56-57, 60, 71-72, 83-104, 113, 115, 119, 126, 134, 141, 225
  Moreen, 97
  Nonny, 87, 101
  Pat, 101, 102
  (See also: Hellman, David)
Seawater (alien mining of), 109, 120
Semjase (as contacting angelic entity), 177-179, 258-259
  (See also: Azaz'el)
Seventies (UFO trend in), 37, 169, 195
Sitchin,  Zecharia, 109, 214, 218, 223-228, 231, 237, 260, 279
Shandera, Jamie, 49
Shaver, Richard, 33-34, 40, 61, 65, 74, 107, 207, 266
Shaw, Clay, 77
Silver (alloyed with copper), 54
Sixties (UFO trend in), 36-37, 157-158, 168
Slag (dropped from saucer), 62-70, 73, 78-79
Slow Leak (See: leaks)
Smith, Gen. Walter B., 112, 115
Smith, Joseph (visions of), 214, 269
Sparks, Jim (abductee taught alien symbols), 180-181
Spidery-looking entity, 184, 196-198
Stela (stone), 219, 265-266
  hidden on mountaintop, 266
Stone, carvings in  (See: Stela)
Strieber, Whitley, 122-123, 129, 185
Sulphurous (odors ), 172, 206
Sumer, 218-265
Teacher (alien entity), 29, 166, 177-185, 190, 193, 257
Telepathy (between entities), 107, 178, 179, 180
  (See also: mindscan)
Telonion (inscribed plates of Shaver Mystery), 266
Time-Life, 88
Torrance, CA (Andrea Roberts' incident in), 158
Transmutation (of animah/physical form), 227, 229
United Press, 66, 69, 75
Vallee, Jacques, 153, 225
Venus, 36, 54, 57, 89
Venusians (blond entities),  36
Washington, D.C. (UFO flap over), 116-119
Watchers (descending), 220-221, 225, 228-229, 237, 240, 254, 256, 265, 268, 281
Wells, Orson, 81, 141
Williamson, George H., 13, 36, 85
Working group (Gov. UFO), 30, 49, 112, 114, 116, 129, 139
Wright-Patterson AFB, 63, 71
X Files, 35