Say hello Riff......


Welcome to the main page of my little corner of the web. Here you can:

-- Meet my friends
-- See nifty Rocky Horror Picture Show and Shock Treatment stuff
--Hear news about me and my horsey adventures!


P.S. We're under construction right now, so please be patient.

Links to other sites on the Web

Oh Rocky! Visit my Rocky Horror Picture Show page!
Canter, do not walk to my horse shrine!
Waaaaah! I wanna go to the I Love Lucy page! Just click here!
How can a person as crazy as me have FRIENDS? I don't know, but I do! And you can meet them by clicking here.
Can't get enough of my witty humour and nifty pages? Visit some more sites like mine by clicking here.

I'm sorry if the links do not work. :) They are under construction.

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