This website is open to all who feel the need for divine interventioin from time to time.  This intervention is not limited to a particular belief, but rather to all belief systems whether they be on a religious level or a metaphysical level.  THe prayers are offered from a variety of devotions, including the healing arts, such as Reiki.  All major religions are represented here as well as those who follow the nature practices of Wiccan and all alternative healers who have chosen to be involved.  Theres is no charge for these prayers.  The celestial realm exists in spite of all we do and is there for everyone.  No human being should ever charge for something that was created by a Higher Power.

We ask that you take the time to explain, in a brief manner, what it is you feel you need prayers for.  Your intentions will be passed on to everyone who has chosen to participate in this circle.  The only request we will make of you is that you, in turn, offer prayers of your own for the intentions of everyone involved in this network and throughout the world. The heartfelt energy of everyone's prayers will bring strength to your intentions and allow them to be more readily recognized in the physical.  That is our belief.  This is a matter of faith, trust, and love.  Everyone is on the honor system to be trusted to pray for, and with, good intentions only.  There is no room for anything but positive thoughts and positive energy.

Let us take the time to thank you for participating in this multi-cultural event on both the level of accepting and the level of giving spiritual assistance at a time of need for yourself or someone you don't even know. That is our strength.
Touch the Angel to send your intentions.
Here is a collection of sayings, thoughts, proverbs, and such that will give you comfort or make you think; help you relax or trust in a higher power.  They can apply to any and all beliefs and can be modified to fit what makes you comfortable with your soul.  They are intended to be used for only good and positive purposes, but because all inspiration comes from the Higher Force, they are meant to be made available to everyone in all walks fo life.  You may see suggestions written in parantheses that are meant to help you see a way to change them without losing the value of the prayer.
If there is righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in the character.
If there be beauty in the character, there will be harmony in the home.
If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation.
When there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.
- Chinese Proverb
Every time you pray, if your prayer is sincere, there will be a new feeling and new meaning in it which will give you fresh courage, and you will understand that prayer is an education.
- Feodor Dostoevski
Life is mostly froth and bubble;
Two things stand like stone;
Kindness in another's trouble,
Courage in our own.
- Adam Lindsey Gordon
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If you would like to be a member of the prayer circle simply email me and let me know.
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