Through out our life,
Storms come and they go.
Sometimes it seems the storm never leaves!
Sometimes life hands us a storm
where the wind gusts blow us off our feet.
Tragedies happen as we walk through this life.
Our heart gets broken,
Our spirit crushed.
Betrayal is a way of life.
The lonely feeling of being lost closes in.
This site was created,
For those of us
tired of the roller coaster ride of the world.
Are you ready to experience Happiness again?
Ready to feel Peace?
Ready to feel unconditional Love?
Ready to experience Joy?
I was!
If your ready!
Open your heart,
And come on in!

Love to hear from you.
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Keep watching new pages coming.
Unlock The Door...
What's Next?
A Friend Is.... Kristi's Testimony
Something Cool
His Touch
Who we are in Christ. Letter From Jesus...
Regardless?!? The Choice Ten Names Of God.
The Holy Spirit..."Power" God's Abundant Grace.
Can I Live A Holy Life? What If ??? Curtis' Testimony
Laughter is Good Medicine. Bibleskewl's Home Page
Who Jesus is a walk through the books of the Bible.
*** *** ***
My interests are: |
Christianity, China dolls, candles, my kids, I am a pediatric nurse.
The description of my page is: |
This site was created, For those of us
tired of the roller coaster ride of the world. Are you ready to experience Happiness again? Ready to feel Peace?
Ready to feel unconditional Love? Ready to experience Joy?
I was!
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