The BirdsNest
Welcome to my humble nest
come in, sit down and rest your weary wings and take a few moments to reflect
on the good things in life!
This is my first attempt at doing up a webpage and I know I am very excited about doing it but I also know that I will be stretching my neck out to bring the best that I can....and there will be times when if anyone saw me I would probably look a little like this bird...:)
What I am hoping to accomplish is a place where friends can come and relax and read poems and meditations that will cheer them up or console them when they need it...and there are always times when we could all use that...so please be patient as I try and get myself organized and try and get the website off to a really good flying start....and if you have any suggestions or poems that you would think would be good for on here please let me know...I would be very grateful for any help....:)