Remembering My Beloved Friend, Tanya Baker

Remembering My Beloved Friend, Tanya Baker (May 9, 1970 - June 17, 1999)

She entered my life like a breath of fresh air on May 25, 1999, and the news of her death reached me (via ICQ by her brother Tim) on the morning of June 22, 1999...

Her name was Tanya Baker from Melbourne, Australia.

Although Tanya was a part of my life for less than one full month, I will forever rest assured knowing in my head, and in my heart, that I had the privilege and pleasure of "meeting" and interacting with one of the most special people I have ever met. A lover of life...a talented and skilled professional...a aunt...a friend who will live forever in the minds and hearts of all who knew and loved her.

Sitting at my computer on the morning of May 25, I never imagined "meeting" someone so radiant and full of life. The pictures of herself that she sent me validated the screen name she used on ICQ - SOHAPPY. Tanya was someone from whom a simple, "Hello," could bring a smile to my own face and brighten up even the darkest day (or night). We shared so many special moments in such a short period of time, and developed a bond that is simply unimaginable by those who have never made, or had, an on-line friend.

Although we shared only type-written messages, we laughed REAL laughs, we shared REAL dreams, and we even cried REAL tears. Although living half-a-world away from each other lengthened the odds considerably, we had even "talked" of meeting some day...But now, as the reality of her death begins to sink in, I know the only way for that to happen will be after a lifetime has passed, and I am able to finally meet my angel in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Life is so delicate, so precious and fragile...and life does go on. I know that Tanya would want me to continue to laugh REAL laughs, share and accomplish REAL dreams and reach a point where I finally cease crying REAL tears. The tears are welling up again in my eyes and flowing freely down my cheeks as I write this, but I know it is because the memories of my beloved friendship with Tanya Baker will endure for a lifetime...

Until we meet again, Tanya...

Tanya's Favorite Poem: Dreaming Of You

I go to bed with thoughts of you
holding me, me holding you
I fall to sleep right away
in your arms is where I stay

Dreams of us start to flow
in them our love continues to grow
the gentle way you touch
tells me so much

Your love carries me to new heights
together we fly on wings of light
To the heavens above
wrapped in love

Holding you tight
feeling so right
Can a love this strong
ever be wrong?

The warmth of your skin I feel
I think, this has to be real
Forever lost in your love
as a gift from heaven above

If the only way of loving you were in a dream
then among the waking I would never be

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