Poetry Through the Ages....


     "Bards of the Future! you that come
      With striding march, and roll of drum,
      What will your newest challenge be
      To our prose-bound community?"

                                  --Austin Dobson

     Observations on Childhood...

     God and Church: Exaltation and Exhortation...

     Flights of Fantasy, Myths and Legends...


     Lyrics of Love...

     The Beauty and Strength of Nature...



    The Many Natures of Man...

     Philosophical Musings...


  Of Wars and Warriors...


  Conflicts in Europe


 America: The War Between the States

  Pride of Country...




  United Kingdom

  United States of America


  Other Lands

    Poet's Parlor...

          Written a poem you'd like to share? Send it to me - I'll post it!


Go to John Betjeman Poetry Page

Go to JRR Tolkien Poetry Page

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