Our Little Angel is Gone
         . I would like you to meet our Grand daughter 
      Alyssa N. Sketlon. Alyssa was born on June3,
      1994, her weight was 10 lbs, 21 inches tall,
      with deep brown eyes and lots of brown hair.
     Alyssa has been with us since the day she was
      born and Rick, who is my hubby learned to love 
      her more than our own. Rick and I always knew 
      that the day would come when she would leave 
      us and live with her Mom and step Dad but, not 
      after five years! Alyssa thinks this is her home
      and she call me Mama and Rick is Papa. All 
      children should be in one home and not bound
      to live where they do not understand. Alyssa 's
      picture will always be on my home page and will
      NEVER come down. Rick and I will miss her very
      deeply. She will always be in are hearts and there
      will not be a day, that we will not think about are
      little angel, Alyssa. May God be with her wherever
      she may be and keep her safe from harm. 
                       Always and Forever 
                     Love Papa & Grandma
                           (X) (X) (X)  
                        (X) (X)                   
    This is a Award I received on 7/8/99 
    and I like to Deducted this to Alyssa.
    The reason is what this lady had to said.
    I  LOVE your site. It is so heartwarming. 
    It is obvious how much love you feel for 
    Alyssa.  I'm proud to present you with 
    my award.
I hope your all visit her to me her site is beautiful and you now how much I love angel so olece stop by foe a visit The Littlest Angel click here
to fry over
This was given to me 
by a very special friend 
that I met on ICQ. It is my 
honor to know her. 
To see more of her 
snowglobes click here
       I am honor to be a member of The Garden House
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   I Adopted this little       Angel that never had a change to learn to ride a Tricycles . If you like to see more of Wiggle & Penciler
clcik here
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