For your listening pleasure there is an on/off switch at the bottom of this page for my music.
Well Hello There! Come on in and out of the cold...Brrrrr, I think winter is here already. Welcome to our home on the web. For those of you that have been here your probably noticing a big change. Yep Foxy has been doing alot of playing with graphic programs and is slowly going to be designing all web site pages herself. Make yourself comfortable and have a look around. I hope you like what you see here and if so by all means we'd love to hear from you so sign our guestbook.
Happy Surfing!!! IceMan & Foxy~
At this time you can enter the rest of my pages by clicking above on the image of the lady. Things will be changing soon as I plan to do more remodeling.
In the event that the above guestbook does not work please use the one below to leave your comments with us. Thank you very much!