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Pierre Victor Nugroho Tadjipramono
Hi. Let me tell you about myself. II like to eat. Sometimes I drink. Often times I even sleep! And then in between all of those, I'll need to go to visit the bathroom. Most of the time I do all of those, practically everyday! And sometimes I do things with other people. I used to go to school, but now I work.  My favorite color is blue.
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My hobbies and interests include fly-fishing, solving algebraic equations, traveling in foreign countries, singing karaoke on Yahoo! chat, catching butterflies, pushing pixels, building sandcastles, playing online games, daytrading, building mosaic tables, bowling, fingerpainting, and people-watching.
I have a mom, dad, and two sisters. Both are older. I'm the last child. I'm also the only boy.
My best friend is Tim. My girlfriend is Henny. They're the best. My closest college friends are Aaron, David, Lianne and Eric.
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