Alchemy is one of the occult sciences that nowadays more interest has
awoken to. Not only because of innumerable books that through the ages were written
concerning Hermetic Art, but also because of curiosity to know something more about the
veracity of the mysterious Philosophical Stone also known as the Universal Medicine.
Much has been written concerning the alchemical symbolism found on
cathedrals, palaces and even on the houses of European aristocrats. It is indeed a
fascinating work trying to discover all of the secrets contained in those figures
sculptured in stone by our ancestors as a testimony of their involvement in the
"Hermetic science".
As far as we know, on the alchemical symbolism has never existed with a
set of fixed rules. Everything was and still is left to the author's imagination and their
creativity. Therefore there arise considerations which very often have nothing to do with
the alchemical reality.
For a long period of time alchemy was synonymous of charlatanism or
unlearned credibility. Much discredit of alchemy was related to a lack of seriousness in
some publications, because many of those publications where coarse reproductions made by
puffers (false alchemists) from the true classic texts, in which there is a mixture of the
preposterous and ignorant. Presently due to the great number of several translations of
some of the most important classical books from the Great Masters there is a change in
peoples' opinion regarding alchemy.
The alchemist is not a gold maker like many people think. Like we have
said before the transmutation only has a place as prove of the veracity of the Universal
Medicine or Philosophical Stone.
Nowadays alchemy cohabits peacefully with science. It is not rare to
see people with high qualifications in science, medicine or literature, practising the
Royal Art.