Dunhill Kennel Reg'd

Dunhill Kennel is owned by Dr. Jörgen van Zsidy and Huguette Rainforth and it is situated in Howick in the Chateauguay Valley.

Dunhill's aims are to breed healthy, well-adjusted hounds with the very best temperaments and the greatest potential for longevity, giving importance to getting as close as possible to the Standard of the breed.

Dunhill is a small, non commercial kennel. Located on a large country farm, a paradise for wolfhounds where nothing is spared on the well being of it's hounds. All are tested on a yearly bases for genetic disease. Dunhill is the home of Best in Show, and Best in Specialty winners. With years of planning our foundation bloodline were imported from Ireland, England, Hungary and Denmark. Living with our hounds for us is a privilege.


Glor Na Gael
Wolfchaser of Dunhill.
Owned by Dunhill and Glor Na Gael Kennels.
Dame; Waterford Garbo
Sire:Saringa's Mr. Dorwkin.
Born: March 28.2001.

Chase was the first born.First to be out, first to walk, first to get everybody in trouble. He was a leader right from the beginning. He is a sociable, fearless and lovable puppy. A fast learner good or bad and he thinks he is a big guy. He is definitely an intellectual because if he can get hold on any papers, books he reads them cover to cover. He loves bones, chicken and antique furniture but he never refuse a feather pillow. He is an excellent trainer. He trained us in no time.We have brought up a lot of puppies but he is the most special. A bundle of love.

Chase in the big world Tibor's and my baby  


goodbye brothers, sister!

Chase at the Irish derby  


how tiny!

the last goodbye


  the teenager at Rivington
going somewhere
love and kisses

where did everybody go?

what to do?

  well....I like it
Chase and Celso at the show
oh summer! Chase I miss them so much  
  Chase at the show
Best Puppy in Breed, Bonaventure
Chase and Daphne
Blanchard and Chase
Mourning Marty
The new Champion
July 21, 2002
Chase in the ring
Chase in the ring
birdwatching had enough  
Chase in the ring
The broken heart

The Rest of the Hounds:

  1.after the romp 2. can I stay? 14. I think I'll sleep in 15. how can I get that duck? 11. Dunhill  
  6. Christmas cookies 7. Christmas day at home 8. Christopher and Ludwig 9. cookies anyone? 10. Marty: "crummy movie"  
  16. bored Marty 17. Nexus the adopted 18. old memories: Christopher and Sophie 19. old memories: Christopher 20. old memories: Stoffer and Ludwig  
  21. Tasia, Huguette and Shawn 22. out of the box, off the plane 23. please don't keep them all! DDaphne

25. shit, who needs all these puppies?

  26. Stoffer on hoar frost 27. Stoffer's ghost at the graveyard 28. Stoffer's ghost 29. Stoffer's ghost

we all need a rest Celso!

  waiting for breakfast 37. what a day that was! 38. we have to get a bigger sofa! 39. where to?

40. what do you think... should we?


41. waiting for breakfast

all this running...we're pooped!

Marty at the show Christopher and Sofie

Beswick and Celso

  the bathers Beswick: "Who are you?" drying in the sun fun in the pond rock diving  
  two puppies going home

Merry Christmas Jorgen!

fait la belle

Taylor flying

Taylor and puppy

  tail waggers


 friends lumberjack helper we'll get that cookie  
  two friends

Jorgen and friends

 let's play hounds in rivington hounds in fall  
  sunning the belly

Celso and hounds

 Celso, Tibor and Csilla Celso, Tibor and Csilla Beswick: the menace  
  Janice and Christopher

Sophie, Stofer and Raphael

 Christopher on the lawm Sophie's sofa life without Stofer  
  best of friends

Sophie waiting for supper time

 Christopher: can I have a cookie? Sophie thinking waiting for Stofer  
  Grumble and Camilla Chase and Edgus, bored at the show Chase and Edgus before the decision Blossom Blossom with Aniko  
Grumbles November 2001
did you say 25M? Woooow!
Grumbles and Camilla on the hill freedom! Tibor with Jennifer and Chase  
  Dunhill hounds Dunhill hounds Dunhill hounds Csilla learning Csilla and Camilla  
  Camilla of Dunhill Camilla Nutstown of Dunhill, 7 mos Chase in Csilla's hands Tibor, Csilla, Celso and Beswick Daddy, Mommy, Chase and Celso  
Jennifer 1999
Jennifer 6 months
Chase at Bonaventure
Dunhill Hounds
Jennifer 6 months 2 weeks
Camilla 7 months new champ
Camilla 6 months 3 weeks
Camilla 7 months
Camilla 6 months
Sofie at 12 weeks
Sofie and family
Sofie 4 months
Sofie and Kalen
sofie as a puppy  
New Year's 2002!
Chase and Jennifer looking for Jorgen Jennifer and Anastasia Anastasia Beswick, Jennifer and Tasia Chase
Chase with the girls Dunhill hounds New Year's cookies! Let's go for a walk Jorgen with Dunhill hounds
  Grumbles Xmas 2002 Jennifer's pups 10 days old Jennifer's pups 10 days old The attack!  
  Camilla - 4yrs May2003 Chase - 2yrs May2003 Christina May 2003 Tasia - 4yr May2003 Daphne 15 mths  
  Orpheus Jennifer - 4yrs May2003 Jennifer and Grumbles

Grumbles - 4 yrs May2003


