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Sethras Moinear
Welcome to my meadow, a place of moonlight and magic.  Here you will find the creatures of fey as well as my home and some
of the guest that have graced me with there presence.  So please, make yourself at home, find a tress to lean against,
and let me entertain you, but beware, some of my friends have no concept of personal belongings, so keep a sharp
eye on your purse!
Here is m'lady Vareen, she is well aquatinted with the denies of this place and her gentle manner puts them at ease, so perhaps if you are quiet and make no sudden moves, she shall be able to coax some of the more skittish of my friends to venture forth from hiding and greet you.  If not then at least she knows where the less fearful may be found and can take you  to visit with them.
This is my home, Hears Ease.  I have invited many from all the real to enjoy it's comforts.  Currently, I believe you can find Brehon in the main hall.  He is fond of poetry of all  types and I am sure it would be a simple matter to convince him to recite something for you.  So grab a glass of mead from the sideboard and perhaps a morsel or two, find a chair by the fire and prepare to be entertained.
  Ah, now we come to Conner a true gentman and shcolar who virtualy lives in the library, as you can see, he is quuite fond of the place.  If you wish, I am sure he can be convinced to help you find something of interest to read.  I currently have a small collection of Celtic Folk Tales that I am hoping to expand as we go along.  So, if you are interested in such things, they are here for your reading pleasure.
Lastly (for now) we come to my own attempts at poetry ( and soon art).  There is not much to see here, only one of my poems that I feel merits being displayed.  I hope that there will be more here some day, but for now, this is all that there is.
It is my intent to entertain here, and if I have used any image that belongs to someone else, I shall be happy to either remove the offending piece or give proper credit, whatever is desired.  I would greatly appreciate any comments, critasisams or other input you have to offer.
You can e-mail me here,