Two poems about sensitive romantic people and down to earth practical people, and the futility of love between them

Peter Pan

There was a lonley boy named Peter Pan
Who lived in Never Never Land
In search of love, he did fly
Across a bright moon lit sky
He found himself a girl that night
And he took her out for a test flight

He took her near, he took her far
He took her to the nearest star
But she never ever flew at all
And never saw the things he saw

It was not to be
Because you see
She was a grownup only four feet tall
And he was a child who would never grow at all

There once was a man of great dedication
Poetry, wit, and imagination
He strove with all his heart
Till it tore him apart
To impress the object of his fascination
The Game of Love
A poem about putting your heart on the line,
and the joy and sorrows it brings.


I have played the game of love
A dark and dangerous game
For if you play the game and lose
You will never be the same

Love makes the wise do foolish things
And makes the fearful brave
For it will always make you lust
And never give you what you crave

I have played the game of love
A dark and dangerous game
For love begins with a brilliant joy
And always ends in shame

Love gives you hope and feeds your dreams
It is the best you will ever know
And always try to remember that
When your heart is broken so

I have played the game of love
A dark and dangerous game
For it is played with hearts and souls
And desires that none can tame

Two poems about teenage angst

Ordinary People
Spider, snakes, and crawly things
You think they are scary and cruel
But they do not frighten me
Over them I know I rule

For I am Queen of darkness
And darkness is my domain
I see what you will never see
Unless you go insane

You live such a comfortable life
Growing dull and fat
And you have the nerve to tell me
That I don't know where its at

I may be just a child
But I do know wrong from right
I saw you take the easy way
Telling lies that were never white

I saw the harm that those lies caused
While you sat safe and so secure
And now I have to tell you
Your soft word were just manure

And if you invite me for some tea
Sweetened with cyanide and sugar
Pardon me if I prefer
The bitter taste of vinegar

Life may be confusing
Only one thing is clear
I may live in darkness
But you live your life in fear



They say that hate makes you blind
And I wish that it were true
For I see things far too well
Things I wish I never knew

There are things that can break a man
Then leave his soul laid bare
And no one can touch his heart
For there is no warmth in there

The price I paid is not my sight
But the ability to feel
My heart has become cold and tight
And nothing else is real