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Programmer's Journal

- Revi Sun

[12/3/2003 14:06:05 PM | Revi Sun]
Been a while since I last updated this page, have been busy at work. Anyway have been accummulating lots of references for my project, which I shall place here later.

[6/18/2002 12:46:05 PM | Revi Sun]
Just added some screenshots of Linux IDE's for reference, also added a graphic/logo to the site.

[6/6/2002 3:11:15 PM | Revi Sun]
I might as well put up a mini-tutorial on SDL and OpenGL here for my reference and to mark my progress.

[5/16/2002 2:25:02 AM | Revi Sun]
It's been a while since my last post, eventually got to buy a PC, a Dell OptiPlex GXa PII 233 with 64MB RAM and a 3.2 GB harddisk.

So finally I can set my goal of making a demo by the end of November this year 2002, I'll be using SDL, DevC++, and OpenGL. No title for it yet, it'll be very basic, probably a few floating polygons which you can move around with the mouse / keyboard, with very basic background music / sound effects.

I just realized that geocities would only allow ftp uploads for premium members, so from now on I wouldn't be able to blog to my homepage anymore.

[ screenshots ]



[ projects ]
myGIS - Lot parcel rendering system for gov't real estate taxation
myGames - Various game design and programming projects

[ tools ]

  • Visual C++
  • Visual Basic
  • DirectX 8a
  • HTML
  • Blogger

[ docs ]
For VB For VC++
DirectX 8 doc #1
DirectX 8 doc #2
DirectX 8 doc #3
DirectX 8 doc #4
DirectX 8 doc #5
DirectX 8 doc #6
DirectX 8 doc #7
DirectX 8 doc #8
DirectX 8 doc #9
DirectX 8 doc #10

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