I am so glad you stopped by, really I am. I hope and pray my little place on the web will bless you richly.

As you will soon learn I am NOT a webmaster of any sort. I know very little about computers, and even less about html code, java script, and whatever.

But the fact that I am no expert in these matters does not in the least way upset nor bother me. For God has blessed all of us with our own gifts and talents. And God has blessed me, ever so richly, with a gift for which I shall eternally be grateful, and it is the gift of music.

Please feel welcome and loved here. You are loved because GOD loves you, and wants so much to be a part of your life.

If you are ready to receive a small--and it is indeed a very small part of how much God desires and yearns to love you, then please click on the orange entrance banner below...and feel at home, and absolutely, totally LOVED. For YOU are loved by the God of the universe, through His Son Jesus Christ.

Finally, my Mozart page is ready for viewing and listening. But as usual, there's more to be put on the page; however, if you would like to see and hear what's been done so far, no problem-- just
click here
and enter a small portion of the world of Mozart.

To visit my Easter 2005 pages, click here.

The last

of this site took place on February 1, 2005