Hi there! You may know me from work, school, or play. Those of you, who know me, know me well. Then again, if you knew me well, you wouldn't have to read about me off this web page:-) Well what ever is the case, I am glad that you stopped by to view my little piece of heaven. I am a Corrections/ Psychology Major.  I transfered from UW-Platteville to  Minnesota State University Mankato. I have done a lot of exploring and this is where I feel I would have the greatest affect on the world. I believe that what ever I do has to make a difference. During First semester of 2000 I met the love of my life. I am lucky to that extent. Some people go through their life  never to have experienced love. My family is scattered through out the state of Wisconsin.
  I have lived the greater part of my life in Northern Wisconsin, having lived in Wyoming and Detroit the rest of the time. My motto in life is there is never an easy route to all of life's challenges so live life like there is no tomorrow, love with all your heart and soul, always smile because you never know who might be falling in love with it...
  I will be graduating soon from MSU and am planning to attend Grad school.
My Favorite Links:
Law Enforcment online
My Info:
Name: Stacey Bach
Stacey Bach