The Art Vault

Well it took long enough but I finally got my illustration section up. I still have not been able to get my hand drawn work scanned. The work of mine that you will see in here was done completely in MSPaint, while Kamana's Illustrations were done in Paint Shop Pro. I hope to get some hand drawn stuff up soon however but for now enjoy the one's below.
"A Taste For Blood" by Rawle Curtis
"Evil" by Kamana Burnham
"Pondering Paradise" by Rawle Curtis
"Red Kabuki" by Rawle Curtis
"Soul Search" by Kamana Burnham
"The Glowstone" by Rawle Curtis
"The Glowstone: Psi-Lord Rising" by Rawle Curtis

"The Rise Of The Phoenix" by Rawle Curtis
If you guys have illustrations of your own that you want me to post then e-mail them to me at or send me the file thru icq. My number is 20312791.
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