Geocities Partners With Pornographers
Every page on Geocities is "sponsored in part" by pornography.
Yahoo! GeoCities Member Banner Exchange Info 
Geocitizens Unite!

Below you will find a listing of all the places you can write to express your righteous indignation regarding Geocities callous hypocritical behaviour. Some of these are URL's, some are email addresses, and some are "snail" mail addresses. Please contact them all!

Email Addresses

WGN - Radio in Chicago
Bob Collins - Morning Show
Audrey Clarke - Morning Producer
Tom Petersen - New Director
Wes Bleed - Asst. News Director
Paul Green - Commentary (Cyberangels)


Geocities Alert Form
Geocities Comments Form

Snail Mail Adresses

Paul Harvey - no email
333 N Michigan Av
Chicago IL 60611

Please add any other resources you might know, or express your horror and indignation towards Geocities by signing my Guestbook.

Please read my guestbook to see what others suggest we do in this fight for decency, and to read of their response to this digusting turn of events.

The Issue

Recently, Geocities made the decision to generate even more money than they already receive. In order to do this they went to the biggest Internet business out there: PORNOGRAPHERS. As with any site which uses Banner Advertising, Geocities pays for it's immense generosity by having Sponsors, the companies who run the banners we see every day. As a Geocitizen I have accepted this as a necessary evil, and even defended it as something that makes it possible for me to have a homepage and enjoy this wonderful new medium. But now what they have found is that it is not enough. Now they must exploit the scummiest business on earth, and especially in cyberspace. They have reached a deal with a pornographic web site and every time a person does a search on particular topics the search page itself will contain a banner leading to XXX rated material.

Many wonder why this bothers myself and the other angry geocitizens. In an age of few values, declining morals, high-school massacres, and raging commercialism, Geocities stood out as one of the few places willing to make a stand. "No Pornography. Nudity. Violence." To paraphrase the content guidelines. They have even created a great community leader program to ensure that diligent volunteer citizens of the wonderful family community might go out and patrol the neighborhoods, looking for the scum who would violate Geocities stand against porn and hate and piracy. Those wonderful citizens, with practically no recompense, spend hours of each day trying to make sure that Geocities wondrous stand against pornography and scum is upheld.

To have this site, a site with values that once brought tears to my eyes in the vain hope that there truly was decency in the world, decide to profit off of, and support, the very kind of pages that they claim to spurn within their boundaries is an affront to decency. Can any place deal with the devil and remain pristine? No. It is impossible.

Some may see this page and believe that I, the author, am attempting to slam Geocities, to use it's own web resources to bash away at them. It is true this is on a Geocities page, but I am not trying to slam the Geocities I joined, the web site provider with values and morals. I am trying to keep my neighborhood free of scum, and this is the only way I know how. I want to know that there is One place left in this universe that is willing to keep the smut and porn separate. One place that won't get on the bandwagon and profit off of the degradation of a human soul.

Please, please write to the places and people listed to the left. Let's raise the public awareness of the double standards that Geocities has decided to implement. Let's keep a "Family-oriented" environment just that and not allow this kind of action on Geocities part. If the public becomes outraged enough, perhaps Geocities will see that this "business" decision was a bad one, and will let go their partnership with pornographers.

Email the webmistress