Well, that was interesting.

Skate America 2005, I mean.

Of course, I only saw the events of October 21st, and I didn't arrive until the ice dancing was over. Not my fault, I was stuck in traffic, but if I was going to miss anything, I was glad it was ice dancing. Not my favorite. The ladies' SP was "ok"...Kwan and Cohen pulled out due to injury, it was said. I'm not thrilled with ladies' skating either.

I really came to see the men's free skate. :-)

Who the hell is that Takahashi guy and where the hell did he explode from? Never heard of him before (I know, I have been out of the loop) but Jesus...that guy can skate. He made Joubert look like he was moving in slow motion. What's happened to Joubert, anyway? The Yagudin protege? He appears to be falling apart this year, barely grabbing the bronze here. And Goebel...he was appalling. For all the hype that always surrounds him, I mean.

One guy I did notice...and he didn't medal, he didn't even make the top 10...was Kristoffer Berntsson of Sweden. Couldn't help but notice him in purple velvet, yeesh. But aside the costume, and aside the fact that he's not nearly as advanced as the top 3 guys here, he has potential. He has a fluid, easy movement that I found very elegant.

And I'll be damned if he doesn't resemble Ilia Kulik:

Berntsson...Kulik's lost bro? You be the judge.

Cute kid, Kris is. Anyway, it would be nice if he could land a couple quads and become really competitive because he really is a lovely skater. Oh, I don't know who took this photo. I saw it in an interview and grabbed it. If somebody wants to get their thong in a bunch about that, then they can have their people call my people.

That's it. It was nice to see another competition. I'm not nearly into skating as much as I once was (still can't get rid of that bad taste left in my mouth) but I guess being a passive fan is safe. I have to admit, though, I nearly barfed my popcorn and Coke on top of the lady sitting in front of me when Joubert came out to skate. All of about 50 she was, and all was quiet before he began, and Dipshit Granny squeals, "I love you, Brian!" Yeah. That remark sent a chill of remembrance up my spine!

Peace, out.

November 1, 2005


My final epistle on the finest skater in the world.
The Lord of the Olympic Rings

Morning Glory--An Autobiography of A Dream

Part I Part II Part III Part IV

Can you believe..."Morning Glory" was translated into JAPANESE?!

For those who take fandom/-ship/-land to the most extreme.
On Being Fanz to the Nth Degree

Alexei's biography, written by me:
Yashka...Heart of a Champion

Jes' passin' thru...

Email: lyoshka36@yahoo.com

For old times' sake...

Lawrence of Arabia, 1998


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