Hello and WELCOME to my first home page on this internet world!. Here you will find links to pages created by me and other favorite sites... so relax, and take some time to visit my place.
My first web page (this one) was created just last week -July 12,1998... and I'm still on the process of learning, but I have many ideas for my pages...meanwhile, enjoy what's here.
I'll try to update my pages often so if we have anything in common, please remember to come back and thank you for stoping by.-Mari R.
Mari's Dream Page
My Duran Duran Page (Music Page)
My Rick Springfield Page (Music Page)
My Glass Tiger Page (Music Page)
My Duran2 Message Board
My Rick Springfield Message Board
My Sailor Moon Page!
This Page is under heavy construction... sorry if it looks boring, but check out some of my other pages here...these are cool!
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© 1997 flame@duranie.com