Hi, my real name is Nichole, but I go by Janessa mostly because
that is the nick that I use when I am on
This is my little attempt to make a webpage, so bear with me:)
I was raised in a little town called Stevens in Pennsylvania and moved away to live in Harrisburg for almost a year, but now I moved back to Stevens again. I love to write poetry, hang out with my friends, and I also spend a
lot of time chatting on mIRC.
See Janessa's thoughts on mIRC
I have
met a wonderful guy off mIRC, my husband, Charlie...he's the best
thing that's ever happened to me and he is also the one that
I want to spend the rest of my life with. We are newlyweds,
we just got married on February 18, 1999 :) See, internet
relationships do sometimes work :) I've put together a page
full of pictures, but there isnt a lot there right now because
I'm still working on scanning in more, but..
Go See The Picture Gallary
I have put together
a page of Quotes, so click
you want to see them. I have put an article that I got out
of ANN LANDERS on my page in the hopes of preventing someone from
hurting themselves..
click here
to read
that article. As I have said before, I LOVE to write poetry, so take
a look if you want...
Janessa's Poetry Page
I have made a page dedicated to the smallest of angels, so go check out
Janessa's Angel Page
Someone at work had given me an article to read and I thought it was very insightful so
click here to read The Present
and finally... last but definitely not least...
Go See Our Baby's Page!
Go to Janessa's Tribute to Winnie The Pooh:)
Check out these webpages...
In memory of women everywhere whose lives have been affected by Domestic Violence God bless them all..
Nichole and CharlieOne Life, One Love....
*Last update made to this page was on June 16, 2000*