
This Dove of Peace was a gift to me. I offer it
to you as a gift so that Peace may continue
to be shared and spread.
Peace be with you and yours


How We Live
Live in such a way that those who know you
But don't know God will come to know God
Because they know you.


Teach Me....
Teach me to feel another's woe
To hide the fault I see;
That mercy I to others show,
That mercy show to me.

~Alexander Pope 1688-1744


We attract hearts by the qualities
we display....
And retain them by the qualities
we possess.


A Realization
Most of us remain strangers to ourselves
Hiding who we are, and ask other strangers,
Hiding who they are, to love us.


Your living is determinded not so much
by what life brings to you as by the
attitude you bring to life;
Not so much by what happens to you
as by the way your mind looks
at what happens.
~John Homer Miller


The best and most beautiful things
in the world cannot be seen or
even touched.
They must be felt with the heart.
~~Helen Keller


Other Places In My World

My Profession

Perioperative Nursing

Personal Things

My Paintings & Drawings
The Last Garden/About my mother

A Gift To Me

When I'm An Old Lady And Live With My Son

Christian Pages

The Chosen Vessel
The Gatherer
The Straying Lamb
The Cross In My Pocket
God Won't Ask


My Adopted MIA's-KIA's

Danny Glenn Marshall
Gary Lee Hall
Joseph Nelson Hargrove
Robert Curtis Borton Jr.

A friend of my brother's who was killed in combat

Gerald Bruce Lane KIA Viet Nam circa 1969

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The background midi playing is Your Love Surrounds Me
Music by Elton Smith and words by Elton Smith and Larry Holder
CCLI Number: 4319524

Life What a
Beautiful Choice!


Adopted: September 12,1999

Stop Abortion Not A Beating Heart!

The graphics/paintings/drawings that appear
on these web pages are copyright of the artist,
Barbara J. Malone, with the exception of art work by
Jean Paul Avisse and Danny Hahlbohm, which appear
as lake applets and are used by me with permission.
Reproduction without consent is prohibited.

This site created in 1998 and last updated 3/06/09

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