The Site Formerly Known as Chez Charles

Hi. This used to be Charles Nadolski's site "Chez Charles". This site has been lurking around the web since maybe 1998 or so, back when hotmail used to NOT be owned by Microsoft. It featured horrendous late-90's web architecture, teenage poetry, and fawning reviews for defunct bands like Stabbing Westward. How horrendous was the architecture? It used to have frames, and when frames were taboo, it used tables. It had an image map. It never used DIV tags or even DHTML. How bad was the poetry? Did you write poetry as a teenager? The answer forming in your head will give you a clue.

I remember people actually posting to the unsigned forum here, relatives and friends and such, back in the days before automated bots polluted everything. Those were the good old days before captcha and logins.

Enough lamenting! You can access my blog at and my not-so-embarassing home page and photo gallery freedombeer. I'm also working on a small commercial project with a friend called yumware.

However, I would be naive to think that websites never quite go away, so you can attempt to see my former website at the wayback machine, but I don't think it managed to keep the bad teenage poetry ;)

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Attempt to view the forum and see if you can find non-bot posts!

cyber-citizens served!