Here are pictures of the cities we were born in.
They alternate between Minsk & Gomel. (Still working on them)

Hello & Welcome to Slaviks & Katyas page.


Favorite quotes:

There will be no peace until the power of love replaces the love of power


To laugh often and much;
to win the respect of intelligent people
and affection of children; to earn the
appreciation of honest crirics and
endure the betraual of false friends;
to appreciate beuty, to find the best
in others; to leave the world a bit
better, whether by a healthy child,
a garden patch or a redeemed
social condition; to know even
one life has breathed easier because
you have lived. This is to have
-Ralph WaldoEmerson

Here is some stuff that might interest you:

Company Symbol:

Quotes are delayed 20 minutes during market hours

Send me e-mail in the meantime.

Old counter broken, here is a new one !!!

KSP pictures for my friends.

Samy's pictures for my friends.

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