Affect, Behavior, and Cognition's Divorce Education Psychology Web Project

David John Berndt, PhD, webmaster

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This page is provided as an educational service. It is in no way intended to replace or substitute for the unique (to you) intervention by your psychologist, physician, or lawyer. We hope you find the information useful. In addition to an informative section on the challenges of divorce(with a focus on parenting and custody issues), there are sections on other topic areas of psychology.

Coaching is discussed briefly as well, but since it is different than psychotherapy, please follow the links to the divorcecoach webpage. If you would like a free copy of the monthly newsletter WHEN MARRIAGE ENDS, a monthly divorce newsletter, click the "Join List" button below to get up to date information on divorce coping styles.

 Divorce and Depression

 Divorce and Separation

Romance Author Charlotte Hughes |

 Child custody and parenting issues in divorce and separation

 Pain Management and Hypnosis

 Child Custody Issues

Divorce Doc | Psychological Tests | Ask Dr. Berndt | When Marriage Ends:Divorce Newsletter

also the following areas: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Coaching-what is it? , Psychological Testing

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