

look</head><body><center> <center>Hi! Welcome to my homepage!</center></body></html> <!-- The above line is the code for the GeoGuide. To set up your GeoGuide, you need to click on the link for the GeoGuide Manager from the File Manager screen. --> <p> Hi I'm bobbyak. <br> I signed up on 04/19/98 17:50:15 <p> My interests are:<br> Classic cars, music, romance.<p> The description of my page is:<br> Personal<br>Home<br>Page<p> Email me at bobbyak@yahoo.com in the meantime.<br> Please come back soon and visit me. <br> <!--LINE2--> <IMG SRC="/pictures/icons/lines/blue_cool_links1.gif"> <p> <!--LINKS--> <P> <IMG SRC=/pictures/redball.gif> Links to other sites on the Web<p> <!--LINK1--> <IMG SRC="/pictures/whiteball.gif"> <A HREF="http:///bobbyak/Bobby.jpg">Bobby</a><BR> <BR> <!--LINE3--> <IMG SRC="/pictures/icons/lines/blue_mrble_thick.gif"> <p> <!--FOOT--> <!--MAIL--> <p>© 2000 <A HREF=mailto:bobbyak@direcway.com><I>bobbyak@direcway.com</I></A><br> <!--LINE4--> <IMG SRC="/pictures/icons/lines/rainbow_thinline.gif"> <p> <P> </BODY> </HTML> �