Welcome to Sandy's Beach!

I have put a lot of thought into doing a page, but never quite knew what i wanted to put on it. I have many friends on the internet both through icq and virtual places and I made this page, to share a little bit of me with them.....smile

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As you sail the seas of life, may this lighthouse help guide you safely through treacherous waters and help lead you to fairwinds and following seas.

Links to my other pages

A We Thing


To Know Him Is To Love Him



A Secluded Beach

The Surfside Cafe

Over 40 Beach Bash

Over 40 In New York

Get Well Card for Wishful

Christmas Greetings 1999

Links to my friends pages

Walt's Homepage by HDrider

Introduction to Starwalker by Starwalker

Recycled's Homepage by Blueeyes43

Micci's Sock Hop by Micci

If Only by LadyZ

Lan's Underwater Playground by Lan

Hopes and Dreams by Cook

Rich and Mary's Homepage by AV8R

Dee's Page by Donellen

Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook

Guestbook by GuestWorld

Page By Sandy
