Hi! My name is Sherri and I live in Southeastern Ohio. I’m
Married to an (ORT) truckdriver and have a 15 year old son. I’m
my spare time I like to read romance books, listen to all kinds
of music and even though I’m a little shy I still like to meet
and chat with people on ICQ. I love surfing the net and I’m new
at computer things... I like all kinds of movies but here are
some of my favorites,
First Knight,Dragon Heart,Titanic,Conair,Highlander and The Rock
My favorite actors are:
Nicholas Cage, Sean Connery, Christopher LamBear. Here are some of my favorite music performers: Backstreet Boys,Lonestar, Daron Norwood, Will Smith, R.Kelly, Brandy and Monica, Celine Dion and many others.
The kind of books I love to read it about medieval times with
Lords and Ladies.
My son is in the 8th grade and is very energetic
Sorry my page is underconstruction but you can still email me if you wish I will email ya back. Thank you and have a good day.
Here are a few links you may go look at if you wish..
Bobby's Dream
Click on the Bunny Mail Box to E-Mail Me... Hope to hear from ya Soon!

Please come back soon and visit me.
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