DIVINA COMMEDIA" is a poem in "terza rima"
of eleven sillables divided into three
"Cantiche": Inferno, Purgatory and Paradise.
Each ones has thirty-three Cantos except the first that
has Thirty-four, one is a prologue.The poem is about the
drama of a soul and its subject as Dante himself explains
to Cangrande della Scala is the conditions of spirits
after death. The allegory is about the human beeing that
based on his/her free will merits or will not merit the
reward or penalty. But it is much more than this... It is
the allegory of a medieval life. Dante started
"Divina Commedia" in 1306 and it was concluded
at the end of Dante's life.(1265-1321). The
"Commedia" defines another idea of literature
that of the "genre" which is on the line of
didactic allegoric poems. The three reigns are the
allegory of the structure of the world.At the moment I am
focusing on "the Inferno"(Hell) which is the
most popular Canto. The Inferno is dramatic , its
atmosphere has multiple aspects and characteristics.Some
characters like Francesca da Rimini, Farinata, Pier della
Vigna, Ulisse, Il conte Ugolino are very well known. Some
characters are so beautiful even in that context. The law
of the "contrappasso" is employed to highlight
by analogy or by means of the contrast the sin of
I am going to present the
Inferno in Italian because the Italian language is
employed and enriched as to become more important than
Latin.The illustrious "vulgar" was used by the
intelligentia of the fourteenth century.The illustrious
"vulgar" has in itself the splendor of art and
it is "Cardinale" because it is the pivot on
which municipal vulgars are made of, "Aulico"
because it is worth of beeing spoken in the court and
"Curiale" because curiality means the norm
which is at the basis of human actions according to the
reason and law typicall of the Curia(Church) or Court.
The flavour is still "the language".