Welcome to my Home Page

of Poetry

You will find that I am a hopeless romantic.
Poetry has been an outlet for me.
It has been fun writing and finding artwork that lends itself to the mood of my words.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I did when writing them.
Make yourself comfortable.
Relax ... enjoy the music and the artwork.

To visit my poetry link page click the stfldy logo located below the cube..

There is art on all the pages by my favorite artists.
The artwork on the cube is a preview of a few art pieces by my favorite artists that I have put with my poetry.
Click the art you would like to view on the cube once.
To visit URL with poetry and the art click the piece twice.

Click logo for link page

Mlady/sftldy I have found many of the pictures for my pages throughout the web. I would like to give credit to artists such as; Boris Vallejo, Adam heart Davis, Sarah Bilder, Don Maitz, Jeff Easely, Sir Frank Dicksee, and John W. Waterhouse. If you feel I used your picture w/o proper authorization please inform me and I would be more than happy to comply w/ your wishes and take them down.

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