Welcome to Our Love Story!Andy and I met at my sister's wedding rehersal. I was there to drive some members of the wedding party to the reception hall so that it could be decorated. That is when I was introduced to Andy. He is a good friend of my brother in law's and was the best man. Right away I was attracted to him.
The next day he looked so handsome in his tuxedo! I really wanted to get to know him. During the reception my brother in law came over and asked if I was interested in Andy, and I of course said yes. A few hours passed and nothing was happening between the two of us so I got up the nerve and went and sat at his table and tried to start a conversation. Andy got up a few minutes later to get a drink. I told my cousin that it didn't look good. A little while later I went back to the table and tried again. This time he asked me to dance!
At the end of the night he asked for my phone number and asked if we could go to a movie sometime. I again said yes! The next day my sister and brother in law were going to see some fireworks and asked if I wanted to go along. I said sure and then my brother in law said I should call Andy to see if he wanted to go too. And that is how our relationship began! From then on we were inseperable!Here are a few other pictures!

The first picture above was taken June 1996 at my cousin's wedding. We had been dating for about 1 1/2 months.
The second picture was our first Christmas together. He gave me a beautiful glass candle holder!
The last picture was taken summer of 1997. We went on a day trip to 1000 Islands and went on a boat cruise. It was nice to get away!
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