Welcome to the House Of The Stolen Heart


This Page Is Under construction. (Actually it is my coffin) Any Ideas or comments are Welcomed!!! In the mean time, drop me line on what you would like for me to discuss in this page, or what you would like to know about me. The discussions Topics are Vampires, Wiccan Religion, Immortal Love, and Wine. Here is a taste just so you get in the mood I have here.... "Dark Remembrance" I Searching in the emptyness of my mind, Looking through the hallways of my soul, Like a fary tale written in black, Seen through a glass stained with blood. Like drops of Limbo falling by, Out of a bottle sealed by the gods. Forgotten in time, forgotten they fell, Letting out the poison which marks destiny, and fate for all. II Pounding beating inside our souls, Blood stained halls, white silks, In sunlight reflected storms, And the skies coming to a end, Through golden domes. Marching into the dark, The nightmares come, Haunting me through the night, With desires of blood. "Sangri Vita Est." the chant goes on, Taking this empty life, Filling the empty halls. III Walking slowly through those rooms, Loneliness came upon me, Feeling the air in soft blows, Feeling the air break low. Where are those thoughts? Those shady lights? Those lonely songs? Maybe they ran away to a distant country, Possibly went into another hall. Sadness; is the cruelest form of love, Our minds can think of... IV Can you feel it?, Can you hear the call? Come out and see the lights, There's nothing out there, There're only shadows, But still you see them, and hear them call, Calling you throughout the night, Asking you where you've gone. Chanting the chants known by all, Pleading for answers, Searching for more... V Waiting for the true darkness to fall, Wondering about where's the blood, That blood that flows giving life, giving life to us all. VI Precious is the night, When we understand, That true life flows between us, It hurts so much to live and so to love, But is that pain that gives us the strength, And the life to go on. Enduring the pain makes us strong. Having you Love is having a treasure, That not even gold can be as precious, Dreaming of the impossible, Enlightens your soul, makes you wiser, Cause it's of your own. But when taking the "trip", Is then and only then, When we can finally say, That we have walked a step beyond... ...To a world of our own... Terius, Vampire.

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I hope You liked My coffin, make sure to come back soon and check out any changes (many are coming soon) I've made on my page. My Bloody Regards.. Varka Vampire.. "The Luckiest Man Who Walks On This Earth Is The One Who Finds... True Love."

© 1997 teriusvampire@yahoo.com

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