Welcome to Linda's Heart

A World of Art, Love, Healing & Mystic Awareness

Every single soul
Every single heart
Means the world to God
Stars twinkle for every single breath
Waves find the shore for every single soul
Every single soul

I am a lifelong writer and spiritual seeker. Please feel free to check some of my favorite links and to read my poetry and writing. We live in a time where connections based on compassion, higher love and purpose are swiftly made. Sometimes we meet electromagnetically and soulfully on the internet. These chance encounters, even if you just read one sentence you needed to hear or smile one extra smile are special moments in time. When we truly honor one another regardless of borders and personal belief systems, when we gather energies in prayer, creative thought, caring language and impeccable intent then we start to take small steps in our personal healing that can turn into quantum leaps that effect everyone around us. Our abililty to love in non-hurtful ways is nurtured and "miracles" occur. We change and so does the world.

Update: January 1, 2001- I am now involved in helping the cause of my partner, Eddie Davis. You can read about his situation by clicking on this link: http://www.geocities.com/hkieding/pleasehelpeddie.html .
I feel that working in the justice system for fairness and humane treatment is a concrete way to be spiritual.

Linda's Bio
Future Link
Email Linda
Future Link
Future Link
The Waterfalls
Jane Goodall Institute
Just So Literary Postcards
Poets and Writers Online
Emotional Clearing
The Spirit of Now
LadyHarmony's Home Page
The Courage to Love
Future Link
Future Link
Future Link

Poetry Links

Linda's Poetry I
Poetry II
Poetry III
Poetry IV
Taro the Teacher
Future Link
Future Link

My join date:
2000-01-28 09:56

WebDesign by Harmony
