Welcome!!! I have recently found myself going through some very fulfilling changes in my life, and in doing done so, decided to reflect those changes here in my site.
I have attempted to include items of interest to my friends,family,and those who have a vested interest in my family and I, as well as those who may simply stumble onto this site. Please keep in mind that this is a new beginning for my site, to go along with the new beginning that I have recently found in my personal life.
As with all things new, I am finding that each day brings added pleasures, sarrows,joys and adventures. This I am sure will be reflected in the building of this site. Please be patient and check back often to see what new adventures this may bring for my site. I have no preconceived notions of when this work will be complete, however, I will be constantly working on it and adding new things each day.
NOTICE: This site was created by Lesbians and does in fact contain pages for the bi, gay, lesbian, and transgendered communities, However, ALL are welcome here. We will have many items of interest to the straight communities as well. Please note that some material may be offensive to some people. Any page containing questionable material will be clearly announced as such. Children should be supervised while viewing some pages of this site.
YOU WILL NOT FIND PORNOGRAPHIC MATERIAL IN HERE, however you will find Art and some writings that may in fact be of an adult content.
Thank you for your interest, and I hope that you enjoy your visit. All comments or questions should be submitted to kurlysgurl@aol.com.
Your Friends
Curli & CzAngel

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