"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
-Philippians 4:13
I never thought that I would meet someone, that would give his own life just to give me one didn`t think there`d be no one to love me for me, until you came into my life and you made me see on my knees everyday thanking God above, because of you I see the meaning of no greater love.
This is one of my favorite rap song.
One day I won`t cry no more can`t wait for the day when people won`t die no more. Daddy`s won`t say, bye no more; lie no more.In the streets bullets won`t fly no more
Won`t feel no pain no more. Won`t have to push, pull, won`t have to strain no more.
Won`t have to walk lame no more. Won`t have to play the game no more.
One day we takin off baby and ever since the Lord saved me. I`ve been waitin for the day we can say, it`s all gravy. It`s all crazy tryin seeing to see life when its all hazy. How can I persist to do right when I`m all lazy? Feel me? Too much pain it all ails me vexed, cause I can feel the effects of the Fall daily. The pain in my chest it strong, let`s get on. Come Lord, quick, bring on the eschaton. End the search, start the new earth, flex your true worth, honor your Son, let Him come, perfect the new birth
And We don`t gotta prove that God is cool Just know when God is thru no more godless rule so I`m anxious to praise the Ancient of Days. My brain`s still amazed at how I can see that pain is a phase soon to be eclipsed at the Son`s return
when we get what He gives and not what we`ve earned.
There`s coming a day that`ll be much better than now. No more hurts. Mo more work by the sweat of your brow. No more drunk drivers drivin all out of control. No more flats and being stuck on the side of the road. Believe me, no more turning on the T.V seeing kids say, for the price of coffee you can feed me. In fact, no more anthrax in the mail
No jail, no blizzards, no twisters, no hail
It'll be the end of rain and the end of planes
Being highjacked and flown into window panes
It'll be nice just, imagine a world that'll be righteous
No more Middle East crisis
No more drugs, and no more thugs and pimps
No more beat-downs, and no more getting mugged for timbs
No need for ramps cause no need for wheel chairs
No need for weaves cause you'll feel your real hair
One day when this life is over we will live forever
together with our king
Christ is the Rock and believe me the Rock's steady
He drops heavy, so stop screaming I'm not ready
God said He's coming like a thief kid so peep it
He'll creep it's meant to be unknown like a secret
This is what many are having beef with
Gods rotiseree style can make a brothers teeth grit
Cause He's quick but according to our concept of speed
Looking at man He thought about the depth of our need
So what this means is, He's not slow, the King is
Waitin to bring kids into Christ where real Bling is
So they can sing His praise because they've seen this
God spill His blood to show love at its zenith
He proved He cut for them
Look what He gave up for them
Paid His life since you can't pay bucks for sin
Justice then teamed up with long suffering
Big ups to Him who gave you and me time to trust in Him.
-The Cross Movement
I can only imagine what it will be like, when I walk by Your side...I can only imagine, what my eyes will see, when Your Face is before me! I can only imagine. I can only imagine. Surrounded by Your Glory, what will my heart feel? Will I dance for you, Jesus? Or in awe of You, be still? Will I stand in Your presence, or to my knees will I fall? Will I sing `Hallelujah!`? Will I be able to speak at all? I can only imagine! I can only imagine! I can only imagine, when that day comes, when I find myself standing inside! I can only imagine, when all I will do, is forever, forever worship You! I can only imagine! I can only imagine!
-Mercy Me
Alias: Mark E.
Sex: Male
DOB: 11/06
Ethnicity: Filipino
Vallejo (707)/
Hayward (510)/
Religion: Christian
Martial Status: With my Honey Feuy
My Love
Thank you God for Feuy. I love her very much. She`s my Godsend.
That`s all you have to know about me.
Pictures of me and my honey
I Love you Feuy.
Alright. Thanks for visiting my homepage. Till then one love one God one way. Peace. <><
Spit Life
By: Mark Espanol
Spit life, Spit Christ get on the mic
Spit the only thing that you know in your life
Whether it’s going up or down, left or right
Without Christ on the mic, your beat is just tight
Now let me start off by sayin I rap for Christ
Without Christ on my rythme, I feel like I’m left behind
Behind like backwards, that needs to step it up on this record
The program is all about rockin the third day savior
So need I say more, can I do you a favor
But it ain’t got flava without the love I learned from the savior
So like sick kids needs vicks vapor, I need my creator
To spit this holy rythme for him, the elohim
That I be taking mah time to even write to him
Dear Jesus Christ, take control of my life cuz it aint right
I pray for understanding and patience so I can learn about you, cuz it’s you
That full fills me like a drinking water that coming off fresh from the river
Then spit it out so I can share it with my bruthas and sistas
I pledge to you and only you, then follow you, my love, my king, and mah loving savior
Repeat Hook:
Yo, I’ve been here and there before, always coming off short
Cause I went with the world, instead of praising the Lord
Man, let me tell you my life was hectic, not terrific, not perfect,
But with Christ I’m going to get it, just follow his tactics, instead of just saying what the heck is, praising his name is all worth it, cuz he bless me with his love that is forever perfect, I suggest it, follow it and get right with it before it’s late
Cuz was he said, he meant it, He loves you very much can you see it
Don’t be blind with the world with all it’s lust and tricks
The devil is like a bunny stealing tricks from the kids
We are all blessed from the start, satan took it away and mixed it up with perverted lust
But God made right with men when his only son died and carried the cross for us
So we can be forgiven and proclaim and praise his name and not be on satan’s little game
So insane, yet we still need to maintain from his name cuz God is all we need to trust in
Let’s call on His name so we can be born again and be bless by his name…yo…amen
Repeat Hook: