
Hello!  Welcome to my new page.  This site is being 
maintained on a regular basis.  I intend on adding other
features to this site.  If you have any suggestions, please
email me your ideas. 

Here is a cool site that you must check out: Paulo Designs

I have added two new directories in light of recent events/holidays...

Brand new directories:
                                 --> Goofy Bin Laden
                                 --> Halloween!

Two very recently added directories:
                                 --> Oopsy!
                                 --> Weird and Nasty

Please watch out for some of the files in theses.  Some
have a bit of nudity.  Also, please be carefull with 
some of the files in the Weird and Nasty directory as
they can be very graphical and disgusting...  Enjoy!  ;)

Don't forget to check: BRAINFOOD - Food for the mind!


Updates List
  November 5th, 2001 - Added new cartoons and Goofy Bin Laden images.

  October 18th, 2001 - Added two directories (Goofy Bin Laden and Halloween)

  August 14th, 2001 - Added new cartoons, xcartoons and brainteasers.

  August 13th, 2001 - Found new site.  Adding new files to it!  ;)

  August 9th, 2001 - Added new links

  May 18th, 2001  - Added new cartoons and jokes
                  - Added new xjokes and xcartoons

  April 9th, 2001 - Added new cartoons and Jokes
                  - Added new Xjokes and Xcartoons
                  - Added Oopsy directory and files
                  - Added Weird and Nasty directory
                  - Added files to Weird and Nasty

  April 3rd, 2001 - Added new Cartoons and Jokes
                  - Added new XJokes
                  - New Movie Review: Heart Breakers

  March. 20th, 2001 - Added new Cartoons and Jokes
                    - Added new Xcartoons and xJokes
                    - Added new Brainfood files

  March. 13th, 2001 - Added new Cartoons and Jokes
                    - Added new Xcartoons

  Feb. 22nd, 2001 - Added new Cartoons (lots), Xcartoons
                  - Added new Jokes (lots) and xjokes
                  - Added new mind file (Ghandi.doc)
                  - New movie Review: "Croutching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"

  Feb. 07th, 2001 - Added new Cartoons and XCartoons
                  - Added new Jokes and XJokes

  Jan. 29th, 2001 - Added new Cartoons, Jokes and XJokes 

  Jan. 2nd, 2001 - Added new xcartoons and Cartoons
                 - Added new jokes
                 - New MOVIE Review:  "What women want"

  Dec. 15th, 2000 - Added new xcartoons, xjokes
                  - Added new cartoons and jokes

  Nov. 30th, 2000 - Added new xcartoons, cartoons, xjokes
                  - Added new jokes

  Nov. 28th, 2000 - Updated xcartoons, cartoons, xjokes
                  - Added new Review to Movies Page - The 6th Day

  Nov. 17th, 2000 - Updated XCARTOONS, CARTOONS, JOKES, XJOKES

  Nov. 14th, 2000 - Updated BRAINFOOD, XCARTOONS and CARTOONS

  Nov. 13th, 2000 - Updated Movie Reviews Page - Charlie's Angels REVIEW
                  - Added new directory for BRAINFOOD

  Nov. 11th, 2000 - Updated Family Cartoons
                  - Updated jokes in R-Rated Jokes

  Nov. 09th, 2000 - Added a few jokes to Jokes directory

  Nov. 07th, 2000 - Updated Family Cartoons 
                 - Updated Movie Reviews Page

Visitors since, August 4th of 2000: