Thank you for visiting the Angels With Bent Halos web page.  We hope you enjoy your time here.

A Little About Us:
AWBH stands for Angels With Bent Halos.
This list was formed by 2 "sisters" on AOL
that have a love for graphics.  We
brought our list experience and put
it into what we think will be the best
list around!  We welcome you
and look forward to meeting each of you!

Why the AWBH, Angels With Bent Halos, name?
hehehe.. lets see..
We try to tell our friends that we are good girls
and never do anything wrong, but knowing us
as well as they do we sure couldn't pass off that lie..
Anyway, they started calling us
"Angels With Bent Halos".
The phrase stuck so we used it :)

To be all honest we are NOT by ANY means bad people.
We like to have fun,
hey, thats why we are all here right?!

If you are like the rest of us Angels and love graphics....creating them, sharing them, or even just looking at them......and you think AWBH is something you'd be interested in joining, please click the link below to join our great list.  Just keep in mind that this list does generate a LOT of mail each day, so make sure you don't have a problem with that!!  We hope to see you soon and can't wait to welcome you into the family!!!

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Meet the Staff

Rules and Guidelines

How to Join AWBH

Member Creations

CONGRATULATIONS and Thank You to Maureen AKA MO123CAKE for this wonderful page set!  GREAT work Mo!!

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