<BGSOUND SRC="/f1stknight.geo/Dream_Weaver.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Knight Dreams
A Land of Dreams
Ever yearn for a land of fantasy? A place where you can escape from the stresses of your everyday world? There is a place where you can escape and live your dreams. And it's right at your fingers. If you need a place of dreams then escape to Knight Dreams. Here you will find a world to relax and enjoy yourself discover new realms. If you can imagine it, then there is probably a land there where you can find it. So come lose yourself and seek the fantasies trapped within your heart.
Thank you for visiting my web page. I hope you enjoy yourself as much as I enjoy your visiting. For you and I the web has made the world a much smaller place and has enriched or life with new experiences and knowledge. And the most wonderful part of all is the many new friends we find. Be my friend and take time to sign my guest book. I would really like to hear your comments. From you I learn.
I have had many requests for my stories so I decided to include some of them. I hope you enjoy.
The Hummingbird
Sword of Honor
Silent Knight
Autumn Leaves
She Was Paris
E-mail me at F1stKnight@aol.com
The Stranger
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