~Twisted Reality~
Life is so unpredictable!!!
(Updated November 14, 2006)
The Latest News
I have passed my Realtors Exam and now am an official Realtor working for Prudential NW Properties.  I am very excited and nervous in this new career path I have embarked on, but I have the support of my Fiance and family plus the knowledge that I know I will be able to succeed if I work hard which I am ready to do. Since most of my business will be referal based... If anyone is looking to buy/sell property in the near future or know anyone who is family/friends please feel free to get a hold of me via email and I will do what I can to help you/them out.  Thanks!!!

Also practicing for my black belt test for Karate and Competitions Karate/MMA (UFC type stuff)
                             I PROPOSED ...
on June 26th 2006 on our 1 year anniversary!!!...she said YES!!!
Looks like the date will be September 2nd of 2007 and my big brother has accepted the role of the best man!
This is the very first picture taken of us as an engaged couple at the jewlery store where we bought the ring from.
Here is Trissa holding her engagement ring.  The ring is from the victorian era around the 1890's.  Its made out of Rose Gold (called rose gold because it has a tint of pink to it)  The diamond is also an antique.
This is how the day of the proposal went from Trissa's point of view.
Yes, it's true, Joel and I are engaged to be married.

Yesterday was our 1st anniversary. We woke up in a very lazy fashion (especially since it was roughly a 102 degrees outside) and decided to have breakfast at the place where we first met, Holman's. As we got ready we started to talk about engagement (a frequent topic of conversation). Joel suggested that we go to a local pawnshop to look at rings.

A little background: The first time that Joel and started to talk about getting married, I told him that I didn't want a new diamond engagement ring. I don't like the idea of potentially owning a conflict diamond, but instead, wanted either a synthetic diamond or some other stone. I expressed to Joel that I only wanted a diamond if it was antique; hence, the suggestion that we look at a pawnshop.

On our way to breakfast we stopped at the pawnshop; however, there wasn't anything interesting. We talked a bit more about looking at rings, but were unsure where to search further.

During breakfast, Joel was flipping through the Mercury and I was flipping through the Willamette Week. Joel ran across an ad for Maloy's, a jewelry shop in downtown Portland that specializes in antique and estate jewelry. He suggested that they may have exactly what we are looking for. A few seconds later, I found a second Maloy's ad in the Willamette Week. We felt it was a sign.

Upon entering Maloy's we immediately felt relief from the heat. The store was small, but very attractive; decorated with antiques with a classic feel. I loved the atmosphere and was very impressed by the staff. Joel and I looked at all the rings in the display case. There were several very beautiful rings, but nothing that seemed perfect. Next they pulled out all of their settings. Joel pointed out one, which I picked up and liked it immediately. I fell in love with it when they placed the diamond in it. I knew that it was the ring. Pictured above, it is of the Victorian style, made it the 1890s of rose gold. I love the fact that it is truly an antique.

The ladies at the store were smiling along with us. They explained that to make the ring wearable they would have to place the diamond in and size it. When they found out it was our anniversary, they stated that they would try to get the ring finished before the store closed.

Joel and I busied ourselves for the next couple of hours. At 3:30, we received the call that they had completed the ring. We rushed back to the store. When they showed me the completed ring I almost cried; it was so beautiful. One of the staff smiled at Joel and said "Now you have to put it on her finger. There's a love seat over there." We looked over at the pretty love seat and smiled. We walked over, I sat down and Joel got down on one knee. He took my hand, kissed it and said "I love you. I want to be married to you. Will you marry me?" I smiled and said yes.

We were giggly and happy as he placed the ring on my finger. One of the staff members offered us water in a champagne glasses (due to the hot weather) and then took our picture with a Polaroid (see picture below).

After we left the shop we went to Joel's parents house to let them know. In the evening we went out with some friends to celebrate. Everybody was excited and supportive.
I have joined the ranks of the many millions of MySpace users out there.  Heres the link to my page.   If you have a myspace account feel free to add me as a friend and I will add you as a friend as well.  (Click anywhere on here to be taken to my myspace page.)
If you want to get a hold of me, e-mail me a message at:My Yahoo E-Mail Address.
I check this E-Mail account throughout the day, so I will recieve your letter and write you back ASAP.(
tmo725@yahoo.com).  or Yahoo Pager: tmo725, I am normally invisible, so just ding me or message me and I will respond if I am there or want to chat with you :), or AOL IM: SecretAzanMan (You know like the oldies song)
Feel free to sign my guest book at the bottom and tell me what you think of my page, picture or anything else  you would like to say.
I was born in Seoul Korea on July 25th, 1978. I was adopted by an American Family when I was 11 months old. I arrived in America in July of 1979. I have lived here ever since.
I do not know how to speak Korean but have studied their Martial Arts, Tae Kwon Do and earned my second degree black belt as well as gained knowledge of my nationality.
A few years ago, I actually had the chance to go and visit Korea and see where I was born. Now I know what Korea looks like and have experienced a culture that will always be with me. 
I consider myself a "White guy in disguise"...or a "bananna " (you know yellow on the outside white on the inside)...I have the looks of an asian and whatever comes with it...but the personality/mentality of a white guy (is that good or bad lol).

I feel very blessed because I did end up with such wonderful parents and wouldn't give them up for anything.  I owe them my life, because I imagine if it weren't for them adopting me I would probably not be here today.  Agape to you mom and dad. (Agape: God's love...unconditional love)

Sex: Male
: 28
Religion: Christian/ Catholic.  I dont believe we have to gather in a church to believe and worship god, but I believe in God.
Astrological Sign
: Leo and a little bit of Cancer.  I was born in the Cancer/Leo cusp, favoring the Leo side more than the Cancer side.
: Always trying to make the people that are around me and loved ones laugh and smile.   What makes me happy is making others happy, but I have come to the recent conclusion that I forget sometimes to make sure I am happy and will be working on that.   I love making people laugh and smile though.
Temperment:  I have never yelled at anyone especially at a loved one.  Worst case was to snap and grump a little bit.  I do raise my voice when i am irritated or upset but thats the worst I have ever gotten.  I thank my dad for my temperment, he would never yell at me even though I think this was worse then yelling but he always in a calm manner said things iike  "Son, i am disappointed or "Son I am very upset at you""... Ahh just yell!!! or spank me!!! lol.  I believe there is no point in yelling and if things are heated...step back take a little time to cool off then talk it out. 
Nationality: Korean
Current state...teddy bear...I activly work out, practice martial arts 5 days a week. I got a bike...killer deal $200 for an $800 bike!!! I don't look like how much I weigh but I would like to change my body composition at least if not lose about 30-40 lbs...
Husky/teddybearish...right now...working on changing that...
Eye Color:
Dark Choclate Brown
Short!!! See Below!!!
Ocupation: Realtor with Prudential NW Properties
I have 4 tattoos(right and left shoulder blade, left shoulder  and left ankle), 7 earring s (4 in my left and 3 in my right), and wear contacts.   I also drink socially with friends or at certain events.  Thats about as Bad boy image I got (laugh)
Style Of Clothes:
All kinds, depends on the mood and/or  the occassion.
Blech I hate pictures of me!!! Honestly they don't do me any justice!!!
Awww...so sad!!!...FROWN!
AFTER!!! I got my hair cut...
March 12th, I donated 20 inches of my hair to an organization called "Locks of Love"...I encourage anyone who has 10 inches or more and is willing to donate it please check out the website below.  It is for a great cause.!!!
Summary: Locks of love takes donations of hair 10 inches or longer and makes wigs for financially disadvantaged childredn 18 and under who are suffering from long term hair loss.,,,,click link below to find out more information....
Personality: I have been told I am kind, caring, a total sweetheart, spontaneous, energetic, wild/crazy (but not in a bad way...usually, sometimes I cross that fine line and it gets my heiny into trouble.)  If needed I can also be very serious just depends on the situation but life is to short to take it so seriously, have fun live it to the fullest!  You just have to give me a chance to understand who I really am (sense of humor, quarks etc...)...then you will know the real me.
Traveling(international if i can afford it, I still want to travel across the US) ... or going to the beach,camping or fishing, Bowling, Martial arts/Ju Jitsu/Muay Thai and fighting/competing, Anime,Raves,  Shooting pool, music(ALL kinds and yes...even country,also going to concerts), computers gaming/arcades, reading (sci-fi,mystery,fantasy) movies (at home or at theater),sports(watch or play),                                                             (UPDATED)
***I am also a brown belt in Enshin Karate...I decided to practice something different then Tae Kwon Do and have fallen in love with this new martial art.  2 more ranks and I am a black belt!!! Fear me lol.  Once I achieve black belt in Karate I will have my second degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do and my First Degree in Karate! 

: People who judge people by looks and don't give them a chance.  I have had my heart broken many times.  All that I ask, is that you give me a chance and get to know the real me.  It disappoints me to know that I live in a world where so many things are based just on looks instead of your intelligence and personality.
Just adopted a new kitty (June 9, 2002) to keep poor lonely Koko company.  Shes
a cutie and her name is
Shes a short/medium hair, tuxedo kitty..as you can see.  Awwwww...
Edit: 11/10/04: Sumi has gotten ill and I had to make the very difficult decision of putting her to sleep.  She will last in our hearts forever as one of the sweetest kitties I have ever known.  We will always love you and miss you Sumi.  May you RIP.
Here is the new addition to the family.  He was  adopted from the same place I got that beautiful girl right above the line here.  His name is Boo...short for Boo(Bu)dah...he will grow into his name.  I adopted him October 2003.  Isn't he cute!!!
So Sad he has grown up now...updated pictures comming soon.
Boo (Bu-dah)
Grownup  Boo in the bathtub...so cute!
Me sleeping with a grown up Boo...
~=Best Friends and Closest Friends=~
What is a close or best friend?...A person that you can count on for anything.  If you are ever in trouble, you can look to them for help and support or if you ever need to talk to anyone, they will always be there.  They also know that you will always be there for them in any way.  They know you will try to help them out as best you can if they are ever in trouble, need any help and or advice.  One of the biggest things is forgiveness.  A close or best friend can forgive and one can be forgiven.  No matter how bad the situation was you work together through it and that can and will make the friendship even stronger.  A close or best friend is someone(s) you want to be there to share special times with you such as your wedding or any big achievement or moment in your life...these are the people I would consider to be my best or close friends.
This is a shout out to my brother.  Even though we have not had the best of relationships as brothers you will always be my brother and I love you.  I am so very proud of you for getting accepted into the Brew school in Scottland and wish you the best of luck.  I am very envious that you are finally pursuing your dream of becoming a brewmaster.  Congrats big brother!

Update 07-19-2006: Alex has just gotten a job offer to open up a bar in Singapore.  Still deciding on what he will do as well as if that will work for the new lady in his life Valerie...GOOD LUCK ALEX!!!
You ever see a 6'7" white guy in a kilt? Wll here is my brother in Scottland!
***All these pictures are thumbnails, click on them if you want to enlarge them***
Kat we have known each other forever (12 years now and still going) we have been through tons together good and bad, but we have always stood by each others side and had each others back.  Many good times, you will always be in my life I know it and I will always be in your life.  Stay in touch.  You will always have your place in my heart.  Love ya!
P.J, well as you say, Rob left me on your doorstep and now you were stuck with me.  Thanks for always being there for me when I needed it.  You are always the life of the party, I miss you now that you have moved to California.  Stay in touch.  Best friends forever.
Rasha , well what can I say, you have always been the sweetest.  Now engaged to Edwin that crazy guy congrats to you both.  I see you so happy with him and that makes me happy.  I know you will always be in my life somehow, never want to lose you.  Anyways stay sweet and lots of love.
Heres Rashas Webpage!!! (Click)
Kirsten, we still keep in touch...not as much as we should...but we have been through a lot and have caused trouble together...like having her mom threaten to call the cops on me hahaha long story, anyways stay cool, keep in touch lots of love.
This is Heather...Hi Heather!  See your finally on my webpage! Love ya lots shes my
"lil sis" I am very protective of her and boys beware!   Love you!!!
Rob, click on this picture to see his wife and new baby, wow baby number 2 on the way ya crazy guy.  I haven't talked to you in forever but I guess the military does that.  You have been by my side for many years as I grew up and even though we haven't talked you will always be one of my best friends.  Stay safe out there.  Come home soon!
Emily, I unfortunatly have lost contact with her...I hope some day we will once again be in touch...she has been through a lot with me in my earlier years and will always remain near and dear in my heart.
~Some good search engines~
Northern lights
~Some of my favorite places to visit~
This is My Enshin Karate Homepage.
If your ever bored here are some video sites to watch movies:
Ebaums World
Video Google
You Tube
Stupid Videos
CollegeHumor Compfused

This is an awsome site, check it out...lots of different stuff to do!!!
This is how many people visited my webpage and got a glimpse of who I really am and what I am about.
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