You find yourself suddenly transported through the door of a large beautiful one story home located on the cliffs of a beach somewhere in Ireland. As you explore the house, the sound of the ocean waves below follow you. You close the large oak carved door behind you and the smell of hundreds of leather bound books invade your nostrils. It is dark, cozy and inviting here. You feel relaxed and serene, wanting to kick off your shoes and read a few of these volumes of knowledge.

You take a seat in the overstuffed dark brown leather chair and gaze at the books that line the walls. There are books covering every possible facet of subjects, many are very appealing to you. You notice that the titles seem to visibly contort and change (was that a trick of the imagination?) into whatever project or subject it is that is most interesting and appealing to you right now.

There is a video screen set in the wall on one side, with a selection of several DVDs next to it. Again, some of the titles of these movies seem to appear as you gaze at them. Many of them have not been released yet...how odd.

There is a coffee table next to you with many magazines delicately arranged about a plate of cookies (Your favorite kind!). You find a magazine that interests you and flip through it.

A maidservant appears in a crisp white and black uniform, informs you that Madam will be out in a moment and serves you either Tea or Coffee, whichever is to your liking, with the perfect mixture of cream, sugar, etc. YUM!

What would you like to do first?

Be shown the Office

Be Shown the Den

Take personality test (Who am I and what am I doing here?)

Now that I know what my personality type is, let me read about it



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